

小郭413 2020-12-17 15:46
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  The color of red in Chinese culture usually meansgood luck, longevity and happiness. Red can befound everywhere during Chinese Spring Festival andother joyous occasions. Cashes often in redenvelopes are sent to family members or closefriends as gifts. Its popularity can also be attributedthe fact that people accociate it with Chineserevolution and Communist Party. However, it does not always equal to good luck and joy inthat the name of the dead used to be written in red. Using red ink to write names of Chinesepeople were seen as an offense.




  In the city of Weifang, Shandong province, kites are not just toys, but also a sign of the cityculture. Weifang is famous for "the kite", having a history of nearly 2400 years of flying kites. Itis said that the ancient Chinese philosophers spent three years on making the first kite in theworld , but the first day of the flying kites had dropped and broken. Some people believe thatthe kite was invented by ancient Chinese carpenter, Lu Ban. It has been said that his kite ismade of wood and bamboo, falling to the ground after flying three days.




  Wuzhen, an ancient water town of Zhejiang province, is located near the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal. Itis a charming place. Many ancient bridges, Chinesestyle hotels and restaurants dwell there. In the pastone thousand years, the water system and the wayof life there haven't changed much, so it is amuseum of ancient civilizations. All rooms in Wuzhenare made of stone and wood. Over hundreds of years, the locals have built houses and marketsalong the riverbank. Numerous spacious and pretty courtyardshide in those houses, serving assurprises and waiting to be found by the tourists.




  Kung Fu is a Chinese martial arts known. Origin ofChinese martial arts can be traced back to self-defense needs, hunting activities and militarytraining in ancient China. It is a traditional Chinesesport, young people have practiced the elderly. Ithas gradually evolved into the unique elements ofChinese culture. As China's national treasure, thereare hundreds of different martial arts styles, a form of martial arts in the world practice themost. Some styles imitate animal movements, and some are inspired by Chinese philosophy, myths and legends.


  裸婚(down-to-earth marriage )是一种新的结婚方式,指的是一对恋人没有房子、没有车、不办婚礼、不度蜜月甚至没有婚戒,只领取结婚证(marriage certificate)的结婚方式。这种形式的结婚成本只有9元钱。现代年轻人的生活压力较大,而且强调爱情的独立,必须有房再结婚或者大肆操办婚事的传统在年轻一代中被削弱。许多人都相信裸婚是两个人纯粹爱情的见证。


  Down-to-earth Marriage

  As a new way of getting married, down-to-earth marriage means that a couple marries each other by only applying for a marriage certificate without an apartment, a car, a wedding ceremony, a honeymoon, or even a wedding ring. This form of marriage can cost as little as only nine yuan. As young people in modern times live under great pressure and place emphasis on the independence of love, the tradition that “an apartment is a must for marriage” and “wedding ceremony should be held on a grand scale” has weakened among the young generation. Many people believe that a down-to-earth marriage is a testament to the pure love between the couple.

