
【美少女的谎言】S02E07(04)Surface Tension

互联网 2012-07-14 15:10
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<听写方式: 填写缺失的部分, 不用带数字序号>
E: Did Hanna say anything about what happened at the fashion show?
A:      1   
E: What do you think that was?
A: Well, you know about mean girls. They had 'em when we were in school.
E: Not like this, we didn't.
A: No, not like this.
E: And I don't think this just started.      2   
A: I think you're right.
E: You do?
A: Alison? Hanna being hit by that car? Ian in the bell tower, everything else? It's easy to get paranoid, start seeing connections where there aren't any connections.
E:      3   
A: Who else have you talked to?
E: Well, Emily's mom is in Texas, and I didn't really want to do this over the phone.
A: The Hastings? I'll tell you one thing. I think we rolled over way too quickly on that therapist deal, separating the girls? I am not gonna do that again.
E:      4   
A: That wasn't about helping anyone. That was about Peter Hastings.      5   

I didn't press her on it.
I think it's been going up for a while, and we're just now noticing it.
I just knew if I didn't speak to another parent about this, my head was going to explode.
It seemed to make sense at the time.
Never met a problem he couldn't buy off, one way or the other.

E: 关于时装秀上发生的事,Hanna 有没有说过什么? A: 我没有逼她说。 E: 你认为那是怎么一回事? A: 嗯,你知道那些贱女孩。我们上学的时候就有这类人。 E: 像这样的,我们上学时倒没有。 A: 是的,没有像这样的。 E: 而且我不认为这种事第一次发生。我觉得这种事已经出现了很久,只是我们最近才察觉到。   A: 你说得没错。 E: 你真的这么认为? A: Alison?Hanna 被车撞了?Ian 消失在钟楼,还有其他吗?这些很容易让人疑神疑鬼的,以为环环相扣,实际上毫不相关。 E: 我只知道如果我不和其他父母谈谈这件事,我的脑袋就会爆掉。 A: 你还跟谁谈了? E: 嗯,Emily 的妈妈在德州,我不想在电话里谈这件事。 A: Hastings 一家呢?告诉你吧,我觉得我们让孩子看心理医生、分离她们的决定太草率了。我再也不会那样做了 。 E: 那决定当时看起来是合情合理的。 A: 那不是在帮大家。那只是 Peter Hastings 的处事方式。没有什么是他不能用钱解决的。


相关热点: 美剧 英语听力 及物动词