

hahaleaf 2010-04-25 10:47
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This is AP News Minute.

The volcano erupting in Iceland is showing no signs of slowing down, and that's bad news for travelers stuck in the U.K. Forecasters say there appears to be no change in the amount of ash spewing out of the volcano, and winds keep pushing the cloud over London.

Some 100,000 people turned out in Warsaw today to pay their last respects to the 96 people killed in a plane crash in Russia last week. President Lech Kaczynski was among those killed. A state funeral is planned for Sunday.

Five Americans being held in Pakistan are getting their day in court. All of the men accused of planning terrorist attacks in Pakistan, if found guilty, they'll face life in jail.

Slugger Alex Rodriguez is moving up in a lead list. A-Rod homered Saturday to pass Mark McGwire for sole possession of the 8th spot in career home run chart.

Sandy Kozel, the Associated Press with AP News Minute.



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