

2010-04-13 15:38
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Shanghai's Oriental Pearl Tower catches fire, no casualties reported 

SHANGHAI, April 13 (Xinhua) -- Shanghai's symbolic Oriental Pearl Tower caught fire early on Tuesday, but no casualties were reported.

The antenna at the top of the 468-meter television tower caught fire around 2 a.m. and has been put out by firefighters, local police said.

Before the fire there was thunder, which could have triggered the fire.

Firefighters immediately responded to the fire and extinguished it in more than an hour. It was pouring as they were trying to put out the flames.

The tower is in the city's financial center, Lujiazui, in Pudong district, by the side of Huangpu River. The unique design of the tower, featuring two gigantic spheres linked by three columns, attracts millions of visitors each year.

Police said the fire did not leave any casualties or damage to the construction of the tower.

The cause of the fire is still under investigation.

Shanghai will host the 2010 World Expo from May 1 until October.







话说……昨天小编刚做完一篇介绍上海旅行胜地的文章,名为《上海好白相之二:陆家嘴不止东方明珠》——哪知“你”会那么在意、当晚就做出“自焚”这种过激行为…… 明珠!表酱紫、我对不起你嘛!


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