
日剧《妈妈,不当你的女儿可以吗》主题曲:Little Doll

米亚 2017-03-31 12:00

サラ・オレインの歌う新曲「Little Doll」が1月13日からスタートするNHKドラマ『お母さん、娘をやめていいですか?』の主題歌として使用されることが決定いたしました。

Sarah Àlainn的新曲《Little Doll》担任了NHK电视剧《妈妈,不做您的女儿可以吗?》的主题曲。



主題歌「Little Doll」はドラマの音楽を担当する富貴晴美さんによる作曲で、サラ・オレインが作詞を担当しました。

主题曲《Little Doll》由电视剧的音乐担当富贵晴美作曲,Sarah Àlainn作词。




Little Doll




Little Doll

Written by:Harumi Fuuki/Sarah Àlainn

The little doll in your arms
You guided her safe from heart
Not my heart
Tells me something's wrong
Clear right not
Tell it's not
Time to with care
Time to be brave
To say goodbye
Your little doll
She must dress
She need to speak her and might
Feel with her heart
So let her come
If you love me won't you let me be
I have a forest
Must make a choice
This dream leaving make me blind
How high need to touch the world
Not her miss your touch I know
This hasn't me
This life will create it
Can't take it any more
Want to come alive
Want to sing with my and nights
Where now you are
Where you used to need me
This little doll by your side
Can promise you
She look pied
Listen to her heart
Dreaming all the life
Past me stores
Can't be yours
Time to let it go
Time to say no
I want my arm
Your little doll
She must go
This little doll that you know
Can't stay for long
Will you stay you're aware
She is girl


相关阅读推荐:日剧《东京白日梦女》主题曲:TOKYO GIRL
