



Talk about a kind of music you enjoy the least, explain why you don’t like it.

观点: Electronic Dance Music

论点:1. it carries no real emotion or storyline

2. prefer low tones and soothing melody lines


I am not a fan of EDM. EDM refers to the currently popular Electronic Dance Music. This genre of music can be found blasting through the speakers of most dance clubs, and is listened to by many millennial today. Personally, EDM does not appeal to me in that for me, it carries no real emotion or storyline. The coarse thumping bass line and repetitive melody is ideal in a dance club, where bodies are already hyped up on alcohol and adrenaline. In contrast, I prefer low tones and soothing melody lines - for example, Classical or Jazz music where I can relax while listening to the interlocking harmonies, and feel the sentiments behind each distinct composition.

Someone’s coming to your city for a visit with little knowledge about the weather and the place. What suggestions are you going to give him? Please give specific reasons.

论点:1. some clothes with long sleeves are also necessary in case of unexpected coldness

2. cycle in the city


I believe it is a brilliant choice to visit my city. And there are some suggestions for the tourism. To begin with, weather in my town is mild in this season, but some clothes with long sleeves are also necessary in case of unexpected coldness. The average temperature these days are little over 20 Celsius, but yesterday, it rained and the temperature dropped to under 20. Besides, concerning the places to visit, there are many places of interest in the city with historical and architectural significance and the visits will not regret any tourists. However, as these places are scattering in the city, it is a wise move to rent a bicycle and it charges little. Also, it is a nice exercise to cycle in the city as long as the weather is pleasant.


Task 1


Do you agree or disagree that university students should take part-time jobs?


论点: 1 带来额外收入

2 积累社会经验


I think it’s a good thing. There are some reasons. Firstly, part-time jobs bring us money. It on one hand contributes our expensive tuition and housing and on the other hand releases parents’ financial burden. We are therefore less worried whether we can make a living without parents. Moreover, it accumulates social experience. There’s something that cannot be obtained in class, such as work experience. And during a part-time job, we start to learn how to effectively communicate with other peers in the working surroundings and become more mature than those who have zero work experience.



Task 2

Some people enjoy doing indoor activities, while others enjoy outdoor activities. Which do you prefer and why?

观点:outdoor activities

论点: 1 减肥

2 提高协作能力

I like intensive outdoor activities. There are some reasons for my like. Firstly, outdoor activity burns more calories. Take myself for example. I was almost 200 pounds last year and when I realized I had to lose weight, I started to play basketball. After a year, I've lost over 70 pounds. What a nice hit! Moreover, outdoor activity takes more participants and it's more likely to make friends. Basketball, as is known to all, is a game requires a good sense of teamwork and cooperation. So it is the case with my partner Tim and me. We cooperate well in the game, so we become friends. And the deeper the friendship is, the better we cooperate.



The university made an announcement that bicycle that rides on campus will be prohibited because it poses a safety risk that cyclists ran into people walking on the sidewalks. Also, the university has a free shuttle bus system, so the prohibition won’t be a problem. Sue in the conversation doesn’t like the idea. First, both of those accidents happened at night when it’s harder to see cyclists. It won’t be an issue for the day time. Second, it takes an hour for the bus to run once. It’s a waste of time.


Reading: 学校将会禁止在剧院里吃东西

1: 吃东西的声音会影响别人

2: 有人会丢垃圾,比较脏乱

Listening: 女生赞同

1: 确实乱,有时有人吃popcorn

2: 有人会丢垃圾,比如popcorn的盒子


According to the reading, the university theatre announced that it is planning to prohibit eating food in the stadium because eating distracts other students who are watching shows and students usually don't bring the waste out of the stadium, making the place a mess. The woman in the conversation strongly agrees with the plan. First, eating food actually does affect others. For example, once someone eating popcorn distracted her. Secondly, many people leave the popcorn boxes in the stadium and mess up the comfortable environment.



在组织中会出现goal displacement的情况,意即organization中的人为了实现目标严格遵守相应的requirement和rules,最终反而影响了goal achievement。


professor 举了school 的例子。对于学校来说,保证education 的正常进行以及保证教学时间是teachers的goal,因而有些老师会用一些迟到就不让上课的rules来保证教学进行,并在平常反复强调insist严格奉行。尽管初衷是好的,但这一行为让迟到的学生miss entire class,反而进一步影响了教学时间,造成了所谓的goal displacement。


Goal displacement theory describes a social phenomenon that in the process to realize a goal, even though the team members involved in the project are obedient to the requirements and rules, it fails to realize the ultimate goal. The professor then talked about an example in school. The ultimate goal of school education is to guarantee that all the students are given adequate time for education. To follow the goal, those students who are late for class will be punished in the form of not being allowed to have class. The original purpose of this rule is to threaten the students and thus they dare not come late for class. But when the teachers are stick to the rule, it turns out that students are not assigned enough time for education because they miss the whole class due to their lateness for class.


Task 4

Reading: internal competition,公司会推出市面上已经有的产品

Listening: 拿自己举例,自己没当老师的时候在汽车公司里工作,出了一款车,跟公司其中一种形成了竞争


As stated in the reading, internal competition refers to a business concept that when a company launches a new product, this product may become an internal competitor with existed products of the company in the market. To illustrate the concept, the professor talks about his own experience. The professor used to work for an automobile company before teaching in the university. The company had a best-selling model with an ordinary looking. Later, stylish car models became popular, so the company decided to launch one. This model made the sales of the best selling model decrease. This is an example of internal competition. Businesses use this to compete with other companies.



Problem: 一个男生本来答应和一个女生一起去上chemistry的复习课,结果临时变卦说他要去书店买一本历史课要用的书。 Solutions: 女生建议他先去买书,然后找她借笔记,不过她的字很乱,看不懂的话再找其他人借。第二种选择是陪她一起上chemistry课,然后明天再去买。男生说明天书可能就买完了,因为这个月初他去问的时候老板就说这本书很抢手,经常供不应求。

The speaker has met a problem that he supposed to have the chemistry review session with his classmate, but he, at the same time, has to buy a book for history class in the book store. There are two solutions for him. Firstly, he can leave for the book and ask his classmate for notes. But her handwriting is so unclear that he may have to borrow notes from others. The second solution is to take the session with her, and buy the book tomorrow. But the book may be sold out tomorrow, as when he booked it at the beginning of the month, the shop keeper told him the book sells well. Compared with the two solutions, I prefer the first one, as the history book is a necessity for his class and he can still borrow notes from whoever takes the review session.


Problem:一个男生碰到了一个问题,他很喜欢的历史课从下午被挪到了晚上上,他喜欢这个课,因为课上会讲很多他感兴趣的 tradition 和 technology。

Solution:遗憾的是他是校篮球队(basketball team)的队员, 他打篮球很好,但是篮球是在晚上打的,有冲突,如果你来选,你怎么选,放弃课程(drop the class)或者退出篮球队 (BTW, quit the team 会让其他组员失望 disappointed)


In the conversation, the male student has met a problem that his favorite history class has been rescheduled to the evening and he is also team member of the basketball team, whose practice time is scheduled in the evening, too. There are two solutions. One is to drop the class. But he is really interested in the class in which he can absorb a lot of knowledge. The other solution is to quit the basketball team, but he is in good relationship with other members. He doesn't want to disappoint them. I prefer the second one. He is a student anyway, so study is the thing he should concentrate on.


Task 6




In the lecture, the professor introduces a method that animals use for communication, which is releasing chemicals. There are two uses. First, animals release chemicals to judge the location. For example, an insect releases its chemical to guide another from the location of food back to home. Also, bees release a kind of chemical on the way for food. Moreover, the chemical works as a signal by female animals to tell others that they are ready to mate. For instance, a female moth releases a kind of chemical to signal other male moths that she is ready to mate, and a male moth can notice the female and find where she is.



1非结构化调查: open-ended questions,不询问细节信息,比如what you want the government do to improve our city

2 结构化调查:close-ended questions,询问细节信息,缩小回答范围,比如choose from the three to improve our city: building more bicycle trails, building more parks and planting more trees.


There are two ways to conduct a survey. The first way is unstructured method, which is to survey with open-ended questions. These questions don't really want to look for specific information. On the contrary, such questions focus on ideas that are beyond what have been previously known. For example, what do you want the government to do to improve our city? The second method is structured method, which adopts close-ended questions that look for specific information. Such questions will form a structure to narrow down answers. For example, please choose one solution out of the following three to improve our city: building more bicycle trails, building more parks and planting more trees.

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