to do list是什么意思

沪江英语 2020-12-02 11:44

to do list的中文释义是待办列表;任务列表。例句:Get this to do list done and swim on!按着这个清单去做吧,游起来!

to do list [tu ˈduː lɪst] 


1.Note:free drawing, diary, memo, to do list, photo, ticket receipt, etc.


2.As you can see, there is still some things pending on the to do list.


3.Get this to do list done and swim on!


4.The utility to do so is called lsof, which means "list open files."

完成这项任务的实用程序称为 lsof,它对应于“list open files”(列出打开的文件)。

5.Then she confessed that she hadn't looked at her to-do list in over a week.


6.It continues to do this until the free list has at least the number of pages in the maxfree parameter.

它将继续进行这种操作,直到空闲列表至少包含 maxfree 参数中指定的页面数。

7.The code uses the app zone in the global context to store the userâ ™s to-do list. These are the methods used here

代码使用全局上下文中的 app 区域存储用户的待办事项列表。
8.Too often people don't think about what they'd like to do and wind up living constrained versions of life, doing little tasks on a to-do list.

9.That's a pretty good plan, don't you think? I've already made a to-do list . Now all I need to do is start on those tasks !

一个很不错的计划,你怎么想? 我还列了张要做的事的列表。现在我要开始做这些活了。
10.But what you should be able to do is take a look at a list of answers for what we're saying  effective might be, and determining which ones are possible versus which ones are not possible.

但是你们应该能够做到的,是看一下这个可能的,有效电荷量的答案列表,并且确定哪些是可能的, 哪些是不可能的。