

2009-01-10 18:46
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2009年研究生考研真题和答案汇总>>>  仅供参考!







  This picture features two things, the spiders web and the "cubicle farm". The spiders web is of course our modern metaphor for the internet, which connects one point to every other point, and thus allows a web user to access a great deal of information. Being interconnected like this is what makes the internet so popular, as people can communicate with anyone in a variety of ways from all over the world. The second thing about this picture is the common office "cubicle farm" people at their desks using the computers, but without a lot of face to face contact with real people. Some people might argue that while the internet allows people to stay in touch more, make more friends and even find romance online, a down side is that sometimes it makes people more isolated. Some people stay in their homes and only make online friends, chat online and never experience direct human contact, if their average day at work is like this too, then the internet may be a curse rather than a blessing.





  Dear editor:

  I am writing the letter in purpose of drawing your attention to the fact that some people still use plastic bags in spite of restrictions on the use of them. and I will try to make some conducive recommendations concerning the write pollution.

  In my humble opinion, to eradicate the phenomenon of widespread write pollution, it would be wise to take the following actions. Above all, the public should keep in mind to foster consciousness of the negative influence of frequent use plastic bags. Besides, there is no doubt that the authorities should strengthen the enforcement of the laws to completely ban the improper use of plastic bags..

  I hope you will find these proposals useful, and I would be ready to discuss this matter with you to further details. Your prompt attention to my recommendations will be highly appreciated.
