为了迎接2009考研,沪江考研特别联手海天教育推出"挑战2009考研" 征文活动。本次活动我们准备了丰厚的大奖。那么,请整理整理您的思绪,用文字在这里表达,用文字来呐喊2009年考研成功的决心!为了让大家共同来学习如何写考研作文,我们特别摘选了大赛的参赛作文和老师点评,希望让更多的同学参与到学习中来。同时提醒大家本次大赛还没有结束,请大家快来参加哦^_^
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Study the following bar chart carefully and write an essay in which you should
1) describe the bar chart,
2) state the meaning and
3) put forward your position.
You should write about 160-200 words neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2.
From the bar chart above, we can safely draw a conclusion that most univeristy students view steadiness, high salary and self-development as the ideal career standards. What is revealed in the chart should claim our attention and is well-worth being discussed in the public arena.
The problems we can get from the chart are as the following. First and foremost, most of the university students are reluctant to take challenges, which has been shown in the bar chart, for many students make steadiness as their top priority when it comes to job hunting. To some extent, this indicates that most students lack of confidence and are intimidated by the difficulties facing them in the future life. Secondly, most students are money-oriented and self-centered. As is indicated in the chart, high-income and self-development are regarded as another important factors with regard to their ideal career standards. This fact implies that most students are not perfectly willing to serve the people and repay the society. All in all, the ideal job standards of the current university students should be modified.
As for me, I think some decisive measures should be taken to re-establish the noble career standards among the students. To begin with, a far-reaching campaign should be launched to make sure that the students can scrap their deep-rooted misconceptions about ideal job standards. In the second place, we should keep on carrying out the blueprint of building a harmonious society. Only in this way can we see more students with the spirit of self-sacrifice and willingness to make a major contribution to the society when they are hunting their jobs. At last but not least, our central and local governments should do more in terms of college student employment, offering guidance and instructions to the graduates.
Hopefully, a new work values will be set up and all the studens can find their ideal jobs.
>" src="http://i1.w.hjfile.cn/doc/200811/32502.gif" border=0 mce_src="http://i1.w.hjfile.cn/doc/200811/32502.gif">>" src="http://i1.w.hjfile.cn/doc/200811/26508.gif" border=0 mce_src="http://i1.w.hjfile.cn/doc/200811/26508.gif">>" src="http://i1.w.hjfile.cn/doc/200811/52955.gif" border=0 mce_src="http://i1.w.hjfile.cn/doc/200811/52955.gif">>" src="http://i1.w.hjfile.cn/doc/200811/71602.gif" border=0 mce_src="http://i1.w.hjfile.cn/doc/200811/71602.gif">>" src="http://i1.w.hjfile.cn/doc/200811/11087.gif" border=0 mce_src="http://i1.w.hjfile.cn/doc/200811/11087.gif">