
Ken Yokoyama《I Won’t Turn Off My Radio》MV

小东 2016-01-04 12:00

「Sentimental Trash」(センチメンタル・トラッシュ)はHi-STANDARDのギタリスト、ソングライターとしても知られるKen Yokoyamaの12年11月に発売された「Best Wishes」に続く6枚目となるアルバム。「I Won’t Turn Off My Radio」を収録全12曲収録。2015年9月2日発売。発売元はPIZZA OF DEATH RECORDS。

《Sentimental Trash》是作为Hi-STANDARD的吉他手和作曲家而被熟知的Ken Yokoyama的第六张专辑。其上一张专辑是2012年11月发售的《Best Wishes》。《Sentimental Trash》收录有《I Won’t Turn Off My Radio》,共有12首歌曲。2015年9月2日由PIZZA OF DEATH RECORDS公司发行。






01. Dream Of You
02. Boys Don't cry
03. I Don't care
04. Maybe Maybe
05. DA DA DA
06. Roll The Dice
07. One Last Time
08. Mama, Let Me Come Home
09. Yellow Trash Blues
10. I Won't Turn Off My Radio
11. A Beautiful Song
12. Pressure Drop

《I Won’t Turn Off My Radio》MV欣赏:



I Won’t Turn Off My Radio


Look how beat up we are
As time took us so far
We know it's so hard to still be needed today
Hit hard by MTV
Stabbed by the net we bleed
Now you're an icon of a world of yesterday

But I can still hear your voice
A slight wave is coming through

Through the darkest night
Send me somebody's heart
Send me a light
I won't turn off my radio, oh no
Cut through space and time
Make this bored man smile
or make me cry

I won't turn off my radio
The home of Wolfman Jack
Buds of The Ramones and Clash
Started a revolution and made stars we love
Hey you, listen up
Get your act together
I know you're old but you still got a lot to do

And I can still hear your voice
A slight wave is coming through

Through the darkest night
Send me somebody's heart
Send me a light
I won't turn off my radio, oh no
Cut through space and time
Make this bored man smile
or make me cry
I won't turn off my radio
