



1. power and dominance

2. make oneself big/open up

3. make oneself small/close up

4. the opposite/complementary

5. occupying space

6. gender/sex

7. minds and bodies

8. assertive/confident/optimistic

9. different people

10. a gambling opportunity

11. dominance hormone

12. stress hormone

13. assertive or stress-reactive/confident or stress-reactive

our outcomes/change the outcomes

15. do the best



1. What do the speakers mainly talk about?

答案:A. Environmental issues.

2. What does the woman think of global warming?

答案:C. It is just a temporary variation.

3. What is the man mainly concerned about?

答案:B. Negative human impact on the environment.

4. What do the speakers both agree about on the topic?

答案:C. Humans are damaging the earth.

5. What is the woman’s attitude toward the topic?

答案:C. Skeptical.

6. According to the woman, what is the biggest problem in teaching disciplinary literacy?

答案:C. Teachers’ misunderstanding of such literacy.

7. What does disciplinary literacy really mean?

答案:A. Abilities to complete challenging tasks.

8. What would a more disciplinary assessment ask students to do?

答案:C. Examining sources of information.

9. Which is the best practice in teacher training institutions to promote disciplinary literacy teaching?

答案:D. Designing learning strategies with experts from both sides.

10. What is the purpose of the interview?

答案:C. To explain a problem.




11. Wilhelm hoped he looked all right on his way to the lobby because he wanted to          .

 答案:D. disguise his low spirit

12. Wilhelm had something in common with the old guests in that they all               .

答案:C. idled their time away

13. How did Wilhelm feel when he was crossing the lobby (Para. 2)?

答案:A. He felt something ominous was coming.

14. Which part of Rubin’s clothes made him look particularly awkward (Para. 4)?

答案:B. The cuffs.

15. What can we learn from the author’s description of Wilhelm’s clothes

答案:D. The clothes he wore never quite matched.



16. Which of the following is NOT the author’s opinion on Ben Day and his Sun (Para. 2)?

答案:D. Ben Day had striven for better coverage.

17. Which of the following statements is CORRECT about Greeley’s or Bennett’s political stance (Para. 3)?

答案:C. Bennett, as an independent, loathed established values.

18. Which of the following figures of speech was used to describe Greeley’s manner of walking (Para. 4)?

答案:A. Exaggeration.

19. In Para. 5 Bennett was depicted as a man who                 .

答案:B. possessed a great aptitude for journalism

20. How was Greeley different from Bennett according to Para. 6?

答案:C. He got initial support from a political party.



21. Which of the following words is NOT intended to suggest approval of bandits?

答案:B. Claimed (Para. 4).

22. Of the following reasons which is the LEAST likely one for becoming bandits?

答案:A. They liked theatrical clothes and behavior.

23. “…began their careers harshly victimized” (Para. 9) means that they         .

答案:C. took to violence through a sense of injustice

24. What has made bandits suitable as film heroes is that they             .

答案:D. protest against injustice and inequality




25. In “..., and there was a certain amount of evidence to back him up (Para. 1)”, what does “evidence” refer to?

答案:His experience as an extra actor.

26. What is Wilhelm’s characteristic that has never changed all those years according to Para. 6?

答案:His characteristic of being charming and pleasant.



27. Summarize in your own words the meaning of the italicized part in the last sentence of Para. 2.

答案:Journalism was an independent, attractive profession, not affiliated to printing.

28. What does but he seldom gave comfort to his chosen party” mean according to the context (Para. 3)?

答案:What he did seldom accorded with his party’s interest.

29. What is the similarity between Bennett and Greeley according to Paras. 4 and 5?

答案:Being prosperous but discomforting and eccentric, behaving against social traditions.



30. Write down TWO features of the idealist pattern (Para. 9).

答案:To kill for justice and help the poor.

31. What does “hope” mean according to the context (Para. 10)?

答案:The hope of protesting against injustice.

32. What does “He is an individual who refuses to bend his back” mean (Para. 11)?

答案:He would never be bought over and surrender.


1. ∧ vast → the

2. more → less

3. 第二个is → is

4. at → in

5. required → requires

6. mastering → mastery

7. from → in

8. away → away

9. As→While

10. their → its




Baiyang Lake used to be known as Jiangnan in the north of China, but the shape and structure of the cottages has its own features, which is fundamentally different from that of Jiangnan. In the south there is a lot of rain, so the roof is sloping. However, the cottages here are different, and the roof is a place to dry the grain. Every time there is a flood in history, villagers have to move things from the house to the roof. The houses are so close to each other that some roofs are almost connected.





