夫人担心玛丽在伦敦的谣言 所以和老爷商量今年社交季定下他的终身大事~
I think I owe you an apology, after the way I spoke at dinner.
Next time you want to treat me like a naughty schoolgirl, 1 _______________ _____________________, not in front
of the servants.
You're right. I'm sorry.
Of course, 2___________ _______________ ______________________________.
Hm. Even so, we must try to keep control of Sybil.
Robert, believe me, Sybil is not your problem. We've got to support Mary this year. When we
get to London.
But it's Sybil's first season. 3_________________________________.
Sybil will do well enough. It's time Mary was settled. High time.
Poor old Edith. We never seem to talk about her.
I'm afraid Edith will be the one to care for us in our old age.
What a ghastly prospect.
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