Hints:Columbia University, Boston, Charles River
翻译by melodyhan
Columbia University is an independent coeducational university, which awards master's, doctoral, professional, and other advanced degrees, with an enrollment of about 20,000 graduate and professional students. Boston University is located along the banks of the Charles River. With more than 30,000 students from all over the United States and 135 countries, it is the third largest independent university in the United States.
美国哥伦比亚大学是一所男女同校的私立大学。学校授予本科学位、博士学位、专业学位以及其他高级学位,现有包括研究生和各专业学生共计20000人。(这里专业学位指:在专业领域所授学位的统称,区别于学术研究方面,侧重于职业技能。) 美国波士顿大学紧邻查理士河河畔,在校生超过30000人,来自全美及其他135个国家。波士顿大学是美国第三大私立大学。 (以上由melodyhan翻译整理,欢迎一起研究讨论,共同进步。)