

2012-04-03 09:30
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03月26日:How could you steal my thunder like that!你怎么能这样抢我的功劳!

1. steal someone's thunder:抢某人风头,抄袭,模仿
例如:I didn't wanna steal your thunder.(我不想抢你的风头。)
          Others may want to steal your thunder when they realize your ideas are pretty solid. (要是别人意识到你的想法很好的话,他们可能会抢走你的想法。)

03月27日:It's time to hit the road.该上路了。

the road:出发,动身,离开
例如:Jack hit the road at dawn. (黎明时分杰克上路了。)
          We should probably hit the road. It is going to take us two hours to get home.(我们可能应该上路了,到家得两个小时呢!)

03月28日:Please give your two cents' worth on the matter.请就那件事发表点意见吧。  

cents' worth:【美】意见
例如:I will offer my two cents' worth on the design tonight.(今晚我会提出我对这个设计的看法。)
         Well, let's give him a chance to put in his two cents' worth.(好吧,我们给他一个机会,让他发表意见吧。)

03月29日:Courtesy costs nothing.礼多人不怪。

例如:They showed us every courtesy.(他们对我们彬彬有礼。)
          Thank you very much for your courtesy.(承蒙您的好意,甚为感谢。)

03月30日:It is ten to one that he will be late.他十有八九会迟到。

to one:很有可能,十有八九,十比一
例如:Ten to one you'll miss your train.(你很可能要赶不上火车了。)
          The odds are ten to one that her horse will win the race.(她的马获胜的可能性是十分之一。)

03月31日:Merry meet, merry part. 好聚好散。

adj. 愉快的,欢乐的
例如:There is a merry smile on her face.(她脸上露出愉快的微笑。)
          He is in a very merry mood today.(他今天心情极为愉快。)

04月01日:It doesn't suit the manager's book.这不合经理的心意。

one's book:投某人所好,符合某人的要求
例如:It would not suit the author's book.(这不会符合作家的心意。)
          It suits my book.(正合我意。)

