

[color=#FF69B4]战友们~~~ 12月份的六级快来啦,咱们要加大听力的训了喔~~~ 这些短对话都是商务和生活情景短句,即可锻炼听力也可以工作中使用呦~~~ 毫不犹豫的听写吧~~~[/color] 450)=450"> 450)=450">[color=#BA55D3] 对话听写,把你听到的全部写下喔,不同人说话间换行就行啦。 450)=450"> 有男生邀你一起选某课程吗,嘿嘿~~~~[/color] Hint: Psychology of Language
I'm taking this great course Psychology of Language, it's really interesting. Since you're psychology major, you should sign up for it. Actually I tried to do that, but they told me I had to take language studies first. What do we learn from the conversation?
我选了“语言心理学”这门有趣的课程。因为你是心理学专业的,你最好也选这门课。 其实我去报过了。但是他们告诉我,让我先学语言学。 我们从这个对话中学到了什么? ——译文来自: qche3022