
【生活大爆炸】SO3EO9(4)Magnetic Monopoles

小提示: 听听宅男们的囧言囧语,填写对话缺失的部分,  不用带数字序号。注意句子开头要大写哦




I:This is Ira Flatow and you're listening to NPR's Science Friday.
  Joining us today by phone from his office in Pasadena , California is Dr.Sheldon Cooper.
K:Oh , this is going to be a riot.
I:Thanks for being with us today , Dr. Cooper.
S:My pleasure , Ira.
I:Now , let's talk about magnetic monopoles.
S:Of course.
  First , consider an ordinary magnet which has , as even the most uneducated in your audience must know , two poles.
  If you cut that in half , you have two smaller magnets , each with its own north and south pole.
I:Uh , Dr. Cooper , —3—.
S:No , I hear you fine.
  As I was saying , an ordinary magnet has two poles.
  The primary characteristic of a monopole is that it has only one pole , hence , monopole.
  A requirement for string theory , or M - theory , if you will , is the existence of such monopoles.
  I , myself , led an expedition to the Arctic Circle in search of said particles.
  Kripke , —4—!

Can you explain to our audience just what a monopole is A north and south pole I think there might be something wrong with our connection I found the nozzle I'm going to kill you
我是Ira Flatow 您正在收听的是NPR的科学星期五在加州帕萨迪纳办公室与我们电话连线的是Sheldon Cooper博士 哦 暴乱要开始了 谢谢您来作客 Cooper博士 我很荣幸 Ira 那我们来谈谈磁单极,能给听众讲解下什么是单极吗? 当然,首先 想想普通的磁铁,你们再没文化的听众也该知道有两个极,北极和南极,若将其切成两半则得到各有南北极的小磁铁 Cooper博士 连线好像有点问题 没有 我听得很清楚,我刚说了 普通磁铁有两极,单极的首要特点就是它只有一极 所以叫单极,弦理论或你们可以称作M理论就需要这种单极存在,我曾带领一支考察队前往北极圈寻找这种微粒 Kripke 我发现排气口了! 我要杀了你! ——译文来自: 小酷HJL