小提示: 听听宅男们的囧言囧语,填写对话缺失的部分, 不用带数字序号。注意句子开头要大写哦
-Leonard: There you go. Now any e-mail from Wolowitz will, go right into your ____1____.
-Penny: Thanks. I mean, the e-mail doesn't bother me as much, as the vacation pictures of him in a bathing suit.
-Leonard: Yeah, I got the same one, and that's, not a bathing suit. ______2______.
-Sheldon: Hello, this is Sheldon Cooper. I am leaving a message for Barry Kripke. Barry, it was pleasant seeing, you today in the cafeteria. I saw that you purchased, the chef's salad. Apparently, you did not know that the chef's, salad is kitchen trickery to utilize scrap meat. Nevertheless, I hope you enjoyed it. I'm following up on our ___3___ friendship and I, look forward to hearing from you regarding its status. Sheldon Cooper.
-Penny: What's up with achabod?
-Leonard: Uh, he's trying to make a new friend.
-Penny: Oh, really? Well, good for him.
-Leonard: Well, unless he makes one out of wood like, Geppetto, I don't think it's gonna happen.
-Penny: How did you guys become friends?
-Leonard: There was a ___4___ on the bulletin board at the university: Roommate wanted. _____________5____________.
-Penny: And you moved in anyway?
-Leonard: I assumed he was joking. You'd be surprised how many particle physicists have a whimsical side.
-Penny: What about Howard and Raj? I mean, how, did he become friends with them?
-Leonard: I don't know. How do carbon, atoms form a benzene ring? Proximity and valence electrons.
-Penny: Well, sure, when you put it that way.
-Penny: But it all worked out, right?
-Leonard: I suppose. I do miss whistling, though.
-Penny: Oh, come on. Really?
-Sheldon: __________6_________.
spam folder
It's a tan line
Whistlers need not apply
First warning