
生活大爆炸:SO1EO14(4) 玩具大甩卖

小提示: 听听宅男们的囧言囧语,填写对话缺失的部分, 不用带数字序号。注意句子开头要大写哦


-Leonard: Does anyone want to buy my share of the time machine?
-Howard: Why?
-Leonard: I don't want it anymore.
-Rajesh: Why?
-Leonard: Just... ________1________.
-Sheldon: My Spidey sense tells me this has something to do with Penny.
-Leonard: Look, do you want to buy me out or not?
-Rajesh: I'll give you a hundred dollars, which will make me half-owner and we'll put it on my balcony.
-Howard: ___2___ his balcony. I'll give you $120 and we'll put it in my garage.
-Leonard: I paid $2 00 for my share.
-Rajesh: Dude, everybody knows a time machine loses half its value the minute you drive it off the lot.
-Sheldon: I'll go for $200. That time machine stays right where it is.
-Rajesh: $300 and I'll throw in my original 1979 Mattel Millennium Falcon with real _________3________.
-Leonard: No. No more toys or action figures or props or replicas or costumes or robots or Darth Vader voice changers. I'm getting rid of all of it.
-Howard: You can't do that. Look what you've created here. It's like nerdvana.
-Rajesh: More importantly, you have a Darth Vader voice changer?
-Leonard: Not for long.
-Rajesh: Oh, I call dibs on the Golden Age Flash.
-Howard: Hang on. I need that to complete my Society of America collection.
-Rajesh: Too bad. I called dibs.
-Howard: You can't just call dibs.
-Rajesh: I can And I did. Look up "Dibs" in Wikipedia.
-Sheldon: Dibs doesn't apply in a bidding war.
-Leonard: It's not a bidding war. I'm selling it all to Larry down at the comic book store.
-Rajesh: Why Larry? Did Larry call dibs?
-Howard: Will you forget dibs?!
-Leonard: He offered me a ___4___ price for the whole collection.
-Sheldon: What's the number? I'll match it.
-Rajesh: I'll match it plus a thousand rupees.
-Sheldon:What's the ____5___ rate?
-Rajesh: None of your business. Take it or leave it?
-Howard: Mom? My bar mitzvah bonds. How much do I got? Thanks. I can go $2600 and two trees in Israel.
-Leonard: Forget it, guys. If I sell to one of you, the other two are going to be really mad at me.
-Sheldon: Who cares? As long as you pick me!
-Rajesh: Okay, Leonard, put down the box. Let's talk.
-Leonard: Sorry, Raj. _________6__________.
-Sheldon: No! I can't let you do this.
-Leonard: Sheldon, get out of my way.
-Sheldon: None shall pass!
personal reasons Screw light speed sound effects fair exchange My mind is made up