
生活大爆炸:SO1EO13(2) 孟加拉虎VS行军蚁

小提示: 听听宅男们的囧言囧语,填写对话缺失的部分, 不用带数字序号。注意句子开头要大写哦


-Raj:Okay, first ___1___ of Physics Bowl business: We need a truly kick-ass team name. Suggestions?
-Howard:How about the Perpetual Motion Squad? It's beyond __________2___________, plus a little heads-up for the ladies.
-Leonard:The ladies?
-Howard:"Perpetual Motion Squad—we can go all night."
-Raj:I like it.
-Sheldon:I don't. Teams are traditionally named after fierce creatures, thus intimidating one's ___3___.
-Raj:Then we could be the Bengal tigers.
-Sheldon:Poor choice. _________4_________, no animal exceeds the relative fighting strength of the army ant
-Raj:Maybe so, but you can't ___5___ a Bengal tiger with a magnifying glass.
-Leonard:________6_______. All those in favor...
-Sheldon:Point of order. I move that any vote on team names must be unanimous. No man should be forced to emblaze on his chest with a Bengal tiger when common sense dictates it should be an army ant.
-Leonard:Will the gentleman from the great State of Denial yield for a question?
-Sheldon:I will yield.
-Leonard:After we go through the exercise of an annoying series of votes, all of which the gentleman will lose, does he then intend to threaten to quit if he does not get his way?
-Sheldon:He does.
-Leonard:I move wear the Army Ants. All those in favor?
order the laws of physics opponent Gram for gram incinerate Let's put it to a vote