
生活大爆炸:SO1EO12(2) 偶滴地盘

小提示: 听听宅男们的囧言囧语,填写对话缺失的部分, 不用带数字序号。注意句子开头要大写哦


-Leonard:So, Dennis, how long have you been in America?
-Dennis:A year and a half.
-Leonard:No kidding. You speak English really well.
-Dennis:So do you. __________________1__________________.
-Leonard:What are you talking about?
-Sheldon:He's not wrong. All right... And this is my office.
-Dennis:Is this ___2___ of the tour?
-Sheldon:Nope. Good-bye.
-Leonard:Come on, Sheldon, we've hardly shown him anything.
-Sheldon:All right. This is my desk. These are my books, this is my door. __________3_________. Good-bye.
-Dennis:Looks like you're doing work in quantum loop corrections.
-Sheldon:___________4__________. Good-bye.
-Dennis:You see where you went wrong, don't you?
-Sheldon:Get him out.
-Leonard:Come on, Dennis. I'll show you the rec center. They've got Nautilus equipment.
-Dennis:Do I look like I ______5_______?
-Leonard:Not heavy ones.
-Dennis:It's startling to me you haven't considered a Lorentz invariantor field theory approach.
-Sheldon:You think I haven't considered it? You really think I haven't considered it?
-Dennis:Have you considered it?
-Sheldon:Get him out, Leonard.
-Leonard:Come on, Dennis. I'll show you the ________6_______.
-Dennis:Wow, you won the Stevenson Award?
-Sheldon:Yes. In fact, I am the youngest person ever to win it.
-Dennis:Really? How old?
-Sheldon:Fourteen and a half.
-Dennis:Hm, you were the youngest person ever to win it.
-Leonard:It's like looking into an obnoxious little mirror, isn't it?
Except for your tendency to end sentences with prepositions part Please close it behind you Keen observation lift weights radiation lab