小提示: 听听宅男们的囧言囧语,填写对话缺失的部分, 不用带数字序号。注意句子开头要大写哦
-Howard:All right, just a few more feet. And... here we are, gentlemen, the gates of Elzebob.
-Sheldon:Good lord.
-Leonard:Don't ___1___. This is what the last 97 hours have been about.
-Howard:Stay frosty. There's a horde of armed goblins on the other side of that gate guarding the sword of Asaroth.
-Leonard:Warriors, unsheathe your weapons. Magic wielders, raise your ___2___.
-Sheldon:Lock and load.
-Howard:Raj, blow the gates.
-Raj:Blowing the gates. Control, shift... B! Oh, my god, so many goblins!
-Howard:Don't just stand there, slash and move, slash and move!
-Howard:Leonard, you got one on your tail.
-Leonard:That's all right, my tail's prehensile- - I'll swat him off.
-Raj:I got him, Leonard. Tonight I spice my mead with goblin ____4____.
-Leonard:Raj, no, it's a trap! They're flanking us!
-Raj:He's got me!
-Leonard:Sheldon, he's got raj. Use your sleep spell! Sheldon Sheldon? Sheldon Sheldon?
-Sheldon:I've got the sword of Asaroth!
-Leonard:Forget the sword, Sheldon, help raj!
-Sheldon:There is no more Sheldon. I am the sword ___5___!
-Howard:Leonard, look out!
-Leonard:Damn it, man, we're dying here!
-Sheldon:Good - bye, peasants!
-Leonard:The bastard teleported!
-Raj:He's selling the sword of Asaroth on ebay.
-Leonard:_________6________? Who are you?
-Sheldon:I'm a rogue night elf. Don't you people read character descriptions? Wait, wait, wait! Somebody just clicked "buy it now''.
-Howard:Ooh, I’m the sword master.
Stay in formation
You betrayed us for money
(frosty:冷淡的;a horde of:一群;goblin:恶魔,小妖精)
-Sheldon:各就各位。(Lock and load是一句常用的美国口语,表示准备好的意思)
-Raj:吹开门,Control, shift... B。天啊,那么多地精!
-Howard:别傻站在那里,边砍边跑! 边砍边跑! (slash:挥砍,鞭打)
-Raj:我打中他了,Leonard。今晚我要用地精的血来祭酒。(spice:加香料于 mead:蜂蜜酒)
-Leonard:Raj,不要,这是个陷阱! 他们在夹击我们!(flank:攻击,包抄…侧翼)
-Leonard:Sheldon,他抓住Raj了,快用你的催眠咒! Sheldon Sheldon? Sheldon Sheldon?
-Sheldon:再见了,土人们!( peasants是游戏中的人物名称,指农民、土人,也暗指他们是“穷光蛋”)
-Leonard:那混蛋瞬移了!(bastard:坏蛋,混蛋;teleport:vt. (心灵学用语)心灵运输(物体、人))
-Leonard:你为了钱背叛我们? 你是什么人啊?
-Sheldon:我是暗夜精灵盗贼,你们没有读过角色介绍吗? 等等! 有人点击了"立即购买"
(rogue:n.流氓;v.游手好闲,此处指游戏中的盗贼; elf:精灵,rogue night elf是游戏中的人物名称,即暗夜精灵盗贼)