

2013-08-22 17:38
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四人围着一块画满字符的白板,面部表情严肃说着一些 “高深” 词汇,他们在聊工作?他们在根据Sheldon的喜好选择该去哪家电影院看电影,囧

SHELDON: The problem appears to be unsolvable.

RAJ: Maybe we could run some computer simulations.

HOWARD: There are too many variables. It would take forever.

LEONARD: We've got to be missing something. Let's start again. The movie is playing here at 7:20,here at 7:40,here at 8:10 and here at 8:45.

SHELDON: These theaters have to be eliminated.

LEONARD: Why? They're state-of-the-art digital projection,20-channel surround sound.

SHELDON: Yes,but they have no Icee machines.Despite my aggressive letter-writing campaign,I might add.

RAJ: What about the multiplex here? The seats are terrific.

SHELDON: They have Twizzlers instead of Red Vines. No amount of lumbar support can compensate for that.

LEONARD: Well,it's gonna take at least an hour to eat, and I don't see a Sheldon-approved restaurant proximate to a Sheldon-approved theater.

RAJ: We could eat after the movie.

SHELDON: Unacceptable. The delay would result in tomorrow morning's bowel movement occurring at work.

RAJ: on,hang on. There's a 7-Eleven here. We smuggle Srpies,which are essentially Icees,in under our coats, after having a pleasant meal either here,here or here.

HOWARD: I don't see how we missed that.

SHELDON: Excuse me,in what universe are Slurpies Icees?

RAJ: That's how we missed it.

LEONARD: Sheldon,would you be prepared,on a non-precedential basis,

to create an emergency ad hoc Slurpie-Icee equivalency?

SHELDON: Oh,Leonard,you know I can't do that.

HOWARD: Okay,I guess we only have one option.

RAJ: Yep,I don't see any way around it.

LEONARD: Bye,Sheldon.

HOWARD: See ya.

RAJ: Stay loose.

SHELDON: They're right,it was the only option.


1computer simulation计算机模拟


3digital projection数字投影

4surround sound环绕立体声

5 letter-writing campaign投书运动,这里指Sheldon写了很多投诉信

6No amount of即使再大,再多也不…

The Toad slept very soundly , and no amount of shaking could rouse him out of bed next morning.癞蛤蟆睡得十分沉, 第二天早晨,怎么摇他都不起来。

7proximate to临近,接近

8bowel movement排便

9 stay loose[美国口语]保持镇静;松弛;不紧张
