Artificial Tree 人造圣诞树
Artificial tree is like this lovely glittery thing here next to me, are made of non-biodegradable and non-renewable petroleum products. But that means it's a plastic product. Petroleum products are of course not renewable and they're going nowhere. So eventually this tree would end up in a landfill and would never biodegrade. That's why an artificial tree is probably not the most eco way to go.
Live Tree 天然树
You better option is to buy a live tree. The only downside to a live tree's a lot of attempt. They are shipped in from far away. So the best way to go about it is to buy a live tree from a local farm. If you're going to cut one, then it's best to cut it down yourself. Tree farmers actually have science. They planned one to three seedlings for every single tree that's cut down. Each tree lives about an average of 7 years, generating enough oxygen for eighteen humans to live. So it's a nice thing to support those live trees.
Balled Tree 带泥球的树苗
贴士: 最最环保的方式就是自己买一棵带泥球的小树苗,种在自家的院子里,慢慢地把它培育成一棵大树,等到圣诞节的时候就可以妆点它啦。是不是很有成就感呢?
Now the very very best way to get your holiday tree, your Christmas tree this year is to by a balled tree, which means you're buying a tree with the root ball still untucked, generally comes unwrapped from Burlap. You might have to contact Christmas tree grower ahead of time and let them know that you want one of these. And you'll want to dig your hole in your backyard, if you have a yard, if you have somewhere to plant it, dig it before the ground freezes over, and then plant it. When you're done, having it decorated inside your house. If you don't have a place to plant this tree, you can donate it to a park. Sometimes you can give it back to the tree farm. Or you can donate it to a plant conservatory. They'll take it for you. That is absolutely the best way; or to have some sort of containerized plan--they can live year round in you deck and coming to the living room to be dressed up for the holidays, just through that month once a year.