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two elements --book & author

an appraisal

jugdment of three aspects---statement, purpose, evidence ( 注意符号:分号)

then another point

First is the description of the book, not a summary. Sufficient description should be given so that the reader, as he reads the review, will have some understanding of the author's thoughts. This account of the contents of a book can often be woven into the critical remarks. Second, something about the author. Biographical information should be relevant to the subject of the review and enhance the reader's understanding of the work under discussion. Third, an appraisal, preferably indirect, through description and exposition and based on the aims and purposes of the author. While a critical review is a statement of opinion, it must be a considered judgment including, a statement of the reviewer's understanding of the author's purpose; how well the reviewer feels the author's purpose has been achieved; and evidence to support the reviewer's judgment of the author' achievement. When finishing the minimum essential of a book review, we now come to another point: preliminary mechanical steps.
首先是书本描述,不是总结。书本描述要足够充分,这样,读者在阅读书评时对作者的思想能有所理解。在这方面,通常可以对书的内容目录写一些批评言论。第二,对作者的描述。传记信息应该与书评主题相关联,提高读者对著作的理解。第三,评价。最好是通过描写和阐述以及基于作者的目标和目的进行间接的评价。当这个评论是某种意见的陈述时,它必须是一个经过深思熟虑的论断,要包括评论家对作者的意图的理解的说明;评论家对作者的意图所了解的程度有多深;用以支持评论家对作者的成就的判断证据。完成书评最基本内容之后,现在我们来谈谈另一点:准备步骤。 翻译by sugarle