本次听写要写标题,全文听写。 ★O★ ole ole ole~~~
book review
description and exposition
标题的书写规范:题目的每个单词都需要首字母大写(包括连字符后面的词),但冠词、并列连词(and, or, but, nor, for),介词和不定式的to除外。题目后不加句号,但如果是疑问句要加问号。
e.g. What Can the Artist Do in the World of Today?
How to Write a Book Review
Good morning, today's lecture is about how to write a book review. First of all, let me explain to you what a book review is. A book review is a descriptive and critical or evaluative account of a book. Like the book report, it provides a summary of content and an analysis of structure, yet you will also assess the value of a book and recommend the book to other readers. There are two approaches to book reviewing: the descriptive and the critical. A descriptive review is one in which the writer, without over-enthusiasm or exaggeration, gives the essential information about a book. This is done by description and exposition, by stating the perceived aims and purposes of the author, and by quoting striking passages from the text.
翻译by sugarle