's been ill,some chronic condition.她有病,慢性病
chronic=(病)慢性的 ; 反之,acute=(病)急性的
2.Find a spot close to the club and sit tight.找个离俱乐部近的地方,慢慢等着
3.What the hell are you thinking about,waltzing here?你到底想怎么样,还悠闲地跑到这儿?
4.She's had this kidney thing since she was real young.她从小肾就有问题
5.I don't give a rat's ass about your or your brother.我对你和你哥的事都他妈的没兴趣
I don't give a shit/damn/rat's ass about sth.都算是粗口了,表示"我不在乎..."
6.What if i'm standing on this side? 如果我处于这种情况呢?
7.There are places that can better serve your needs.有些地方更适合你们的需要
serve sb's needs=help sb. (当help用腻时,可用serve sb's needs替换)
8.What the hell are you trying to pull.你到底想干嘛?
eg.Don't try to pull anything.别想耍什么花招
9.Look me in the eye,tell me you don't believe there's a cover-up going on right now.
(顺便体会一下Look me in the eye和Look at me的小区别)
10.'cause i feel like a circus freak.因为我觉得自己像马戏团小丑
circus=马戏团;马戏表演 ; freak=行为怪诞的人
mark my words.你牢牢记住我说的话
12.President reynolds attended a chicago fundraiser last ds总统昨晚在芝加哥参加了一个筹款活动
fund=基金 ; raiser=筹措者 ; fundraiser=资金筹集活动
13.Scofield,i don't know what you're used to,but anything short of filet mignon is not going to cult it with me.Scofield,我不知道你习惯怎么着,但没有一客腓力牛排别想打发我.
short of=缺少,不足
filet mignon=腓力牛排.这个词源于法语.意思就是牛里脊,是牛身上最贵的部分.
14.Do you think i'd bring you here to so sacred a place to me as this if i meant you ill.如果我要害你,你觉得我会带你来这个对我来说如此神圣的地方么?
15.I am the laws of karma all come down wrong.我是因果报应的作孽的产物
need to run a few tests.可能得做些化验
17.You don't mind if i ask you to empty your pockets.你不介意我搜一下你的口袋吧?
empty (out) sb's pockets=搜查某人
eg.The police made the thief empty out his pocket.警察搜查小偷
此外,an empty pocket=没有钱的人
chronic=(病)慢性的 ; 反之,acute=(病)急性的
2.Find a spot close to the club and sit tight.找个离俱乐部近的地方,慢慢等着
3.What the hell are you thinking about,waltzing here?你到底想怎么样,还悠闲地跑到这儿?
4.She's had this kidney thing since she was real young.她从小肾就有问题
5.I don't give a rat's ass about your or your brother.我对你和你哥的事都他妈的没兴趣
I don't give a shit/damn/rat's ass about sth.都算是粗口了,表示"我不在乎..."
6.What if i'm standing on this side? 如果我处于这种情况呢?
7.There are places that can better serve your needs.有些地方更适合你们的需要
serve sb's needs=help sb. (当help用腻时,可用serve sb's needs替换)
8.What the hell are you trying to pull.你到底想干嘛?
eg.Don't try to pull anything.别想耍什么花招
9.Look me in the eye,tell me you don't believe there's a cover-up going on right now.
(顺便体会一下Look me in the eye和Look at me的小区别)
10.'cause i feel like a circus freak.因为我觉得自己像马戏团小丑
circus=马戏团;马戏表演 ; freak=行为怪诞的人
mark my words.你牢牢记住我说的话
12.President reynolds attended a chicago fundraiser last ds总统昨晚在芝加哥参加了一个筹款活动
fund=基金 ; raiser=筹措者 ; fundraiser=资金筹集活动
13.Scofield,i don't know what you're used to,but anything short of filet mignon is not going to cult it with me.Scofield,我不知道你习惯怎么着,但没有一客腓力牛排别想打发我.
short of=缺少,不足
filet mignon=腓力牛排.这个词源于法语.意思就是牛里脊,是牛身上最贵的部分.
14.Do you think i'd bring you here to so sacred a place to me as this if i meant you ill.如果我要害你,你觉得我会带你来这个对我来说如此神圣的地方么?
15.I am the laws of karma all come down wrong.我是因果报应的作孽的产物
need to run a few tests.可能得做些化验
17.You don't mind if i ask you to empty your pockets.你不介意我搜一下你的口袋吧?
empty (out) sb's pockets=搜查某人
eg.The police made the thief empty out his pocket.警察搜查小偷
此外,an empty pocket=没有钱的人