
愿在天堂安好:Cory Monteith最值得被记忆的五首歌

沪江英语 2013-07-16 09:51
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Hollywood was rocked by the sudden and tragic passing of Glee's leading man Cory Monteith, and celebs have been tweeting their memories and kind words nonstop since news of his death broke.
好莱坞为《欢乐合唱团》男主 Cory Monteith 突然的死亡感到震惊,自从死亡消息传出,好莱坞名流们便纷纷在推特上寄托了自己的哀思和悼念。

《欢乐合唱团》男主Cory Monteith去世 各明星表达悲痛之情>>>

Most fans will remember Monteith as the handsome and lovable Finn on Fox's hit series, who joined the glee club New Directions after Mr. Schue (Matthew Morrison) caught him singing REO Speedwagon's "Can't Fight This Feeling Anymore" in the shower. Since that scene in the first episode, Finn has had some truly wonderful musical moments on the show, covering hits from Journey to Bruno Mars. To honor Monteith's musical legacy, here are our five favorite Finn performances from Glee:
在大多数粉丝的眼中,Monteith 是福克斯招牌美剧《欢乐合唱团》中帅气又可爱的 Finn, 剧中的Mr. Schue 偶然听见他在洗澡时演唱快速马车合唱团的 "Can't Fight This Feeling Anymore",因此发觉了他,让他加入到合唱团中。从第一集就加入该剧,Finn 在剧中经历了很多美好的音乐时刻,演绎的歌曲从 Journey 到 Bruno Mars 都有。为了纪念 Monteith 留下的音乐遗产,让我们一同来回顾他在剧中五次最精彩的表演:

1. Don't Stop Believing

Season One: The number that started a TV phenomenon, the New Directions' cover of the Journey hit re-established a classic for a new generation; one they could adopt as their anthem. Making the song, arguably Glee's most well-known and loved cover to date, even more poignant was the season four performance of "Don't Stop Believin'," which reunited the original members on stage and showed us just how far they'd come, especially Finn, who had transformed from cardboard cut-out quarterback into an inspiring mentor.
第一季:这是整部剧的开始,合唱团对这首 Journey 代表作的演绎向新一代的人们重现了曾经的经典,他们甚至可以将这首歌曲作为他们的赞歌。这首歌可以说是《欢乐合唱团》中最知名也是最受欢迎的一首,在第四季中,原班人马重聚首再度演绎了这首歌曲。此时,剧中的 Finn已经从一个当年的万人迷四分卫成长为了一名精神导师。
