沪江英乐:性感美爆!Beyonce超赞新单《Standing on the Sun》之H&M夏日海滩内衣版广告MV大首播!在这支广告里,Bee姐时而玩沙起舞,时而戏水弄姿。性感与狂野并存,美丽与激情同现!生完孩子的Beyonce身材还是很好啊,羡慕……
【Beyonce超赞新单《Standing on the Sun》】
My body is magnified
In the sun set me alight
My body, and your delights
Burn me up, set me alight
I cant deny, your desire
Feel like i'm on fire
When you touch me
I feel the flame, baking up my feet, ohhhh
Can you feel the heat on my skin
Can you feel it all over it
You and me, standing on the sun
Can you feel my heart burning
Make you feel all my good loving
You and me, standing on the sun
Standing on the sun
Standing on the sun
Standing on the sun