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the December issue of Physics World
"Cocktail Physics,"
Cooking is one big science experiment. And chefs have been gaining fame for more explicit use of scientific techniques and tools in the kitchen. Now, according to an article in the December issue of Physics World, mixologists — the folks behind the bar — are getting into the act. They're borrowing tools from the labs to create wild new libations. Here's one example. Alcohol is better than water at delivering flavors and aromas, since many of those molecules aren't water-soluble. Plant material is fermented and then heated to extract the alcohol that contains those flavors — that's distillation. But the heat can destroy some aroma molecules. Enter the scientists' rotary evaporator. The fermented liquid goes in a rotating container. The pressure is lowered, so volatile components evaporate. Then a cool coil condenses the vapor back into liquid. One mixologist in London used this technique to make a mild habañero liqueur. The spicy capsaicin isn't volatile — so it gets left behind. The final product has the fruity and floral flavors of chili peppers with none of the searing heat. For more proof, go to the article "Cocktail Physics," at
烹饪是一门大型科学实验。主厨们现正因为在厨房中使用更多科学技术和工具而变得更有名气。 如今,根据物理学世界这本杂志12月刊上的一篇文章所言,酒吧调酒师们--酒吧背后的人物—正在参与进来。他们借用实验室里用到的工具创造出了原始味道的酒。 举个例子。酒精比水更能传递味道,因为其大部分分子都不溶于水。 植物材料发酵后因加热而产生的酒精就包含了其原料的一些风味,这就是蒸馏。但是蒸馏工艺会损害一些芳香类的分子。 采用科学家们常用的旋转蒸发仪~(某些地方类似于雾气蒸发装置。)发酵的液体进入旋转着的容器。降低压力,使易挥发的混合物蒸发。然后降温使蒸汽浓缩返回液态。 伦敦的一位调酒师就采用这种技术制作出了一种天然辣味的液体饮料。辣味的辣椒素不易挥发----因此旋转蒸发后被浓缩。最后的产品含有辣椒的果香和花香风味却没有炙热的灼烧感。想知道更多内幕,去 网站上找"Cocktail Physics"这篇文章看看吧。 —Cynthia Graber --------------------------------------by hyjtb