

2014-04-01 09:30
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03月24日:I cannot live in this humdrum world without you.没有你,我无法再这个乏味的世上生活下去。

例如:It was a narrow, humdrum place.(那是个狭窄、枯燥的地方。)
          Her life is humdrum.(她的生活平平淡淡。)

03月25日:If I tell her the truth, she must sulk.如果我告诉她真相,她肯定会怄气的。

v. 生气,愠怒
例如:If I sulk for a few days, no harm is done.(如果我有那么几天不高兴,没有什么妨碍。)
          Doc. Daneeka was a very neat, clean man whose idea of a good time was to sulk.(丹尼卡医生是个整洁,干净的人,他觉得生气是偷快的事。)

03月26日:The rat nibbled a hole in the cheese.这只老鼠在奶酪上啃了一个洞。

v. 细咬,一点一点地咬;吹毛求疵
例如:She sat down to nibble candy.(她坐下来,慢慢地吃着糖果。)
          His teeth having all dropped out, he could only nibble away at his food.(他牙齿全掉光了,他吃东西时只能一点一点地咬。)

3月27日:The novel is impregnated with black humor.这本小说充满着黑色幽默。

1.impregnatev. 使怀孕,使受,使充满
例如:One reason that a woman with large breasts might be sexy is that she might be advertising the fact that she is easy to impregnate.(一个让拥有丰满乳房的女人性感的原因在于,她告诉人们自己容易怀孕。)
          These organics impregnate large volumes of sandstone.(这种有机质渗入了大面积的砂岩。)

03月28日:Soda beverages froth when they are poured out.倒出苏打饮料时,往往会起泡沫。

v. (使)起泡沫
例如:Animals with rabies often froth at the mouth.(患狂犬病的动物常常口吐白沫。)
          Before washing the clothes, froth up the soap mixture.(洗衣之前先把皂液搅起泡沫。) 

3月29日Luke is a inordinate eater who can eat ten hamburgers at a meal.卢克是个没有节制的食客, 他一顿可以吃掉10个汉堡。

nate:adj. 过度的;无节制的;紊乱的
例如:Inordinate desire is at the root of all evils.(无节制的欲望是一切罪恶的根源。)
          James hints that his heroine's demands on life are inordinate.(詹姆斯暗示他的女主人公对于人生过于苛求。)

03月30日:Even our most carefully laid plan would backfire on us.甚至连我们最谨慎制定的计划也可能适得其反。

re:v. 适得其反,事与愿违;放出逆火
例如:Your comments may backfire and cause you a lot of trouble.(你的评论可能产生出乎意料的后果并给你带来很多麻烦。)
         I will come back on Monday except backfire.除非发生意外情况,否则我星期一就回来。

