

2014-03-18 09:30
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03月10日:The horror story has the ability to unsettle an reader.这篇恐怖小说能令读者心神不宁。

le:v. 使动摇;使不安定
例如:This strike may unsettle the economy.(这次罢工可能会使经济不安定。)
          Nothing can unsettle his resolution.(什么也动摇不了他的决心。)

03月11日:Don't go winter swimming without inflexible will.如果没有坚定的意志的话,就不要去冬泳了。

例如:He was inflexible once he had made a decision.(他一旦作了决定就不会轻易更改。)
          He is inflexible in pursuit of his own cause.(他执著地追求着自己的事业。)

03月12日:Mark was beguiled by the salesman's rhetoric.马克被推销员的花言巧语欺骗了。

e:v. 欺骗;使着迷;消磨
例如:They're playing cards to beguile the time.(他们在打牌以消磨时间。)
          Games are usually used to beguile small children.(游戏常用来哄小孩。)

3月13日:The final score hinged upon the teamwork.最终得分取决于团队协作。

1.hinge upon取决于
例如:My acceptance will hinge upon the terms.(我接受与否将依条件而定。)
          Everything hinges upon what heppens next.(一切以下一步的发展而定。)

03月14日:The movie star is out of favor.那个电影明星已经不红了。

of favor:不受喜欢,失宠
例如:He is out of favor her employer.(他不受老板的宠爱了。)
          This variety is now out of favor with customer.(这个品种现在已不受顾客喜欢了。) 

3月15日To all intents and purposes, the project is completed.其实这个项目已经完成了。

all intents and purposes:phr. 实际上
例如:The revised edition is to all intents and purposes a new book.(修订本简直是本新书。)
          The book was, to all intents and purposes, a mere duplication of her earlier efforts.(实际上,这本书只不过是她早期成果的翻版罢了。)

03月16日:Alicia begins to ramble on when her boyfriend doesn't call her back.艾丽西娅的男友没回她电话,她就开始喋喋不休。

例如:I won't ramble on about that.(对于这个我不会信口开河。)
         The young man ramble on with an air of great consequence.小伙子带著妄自尊大的神态没完没了地东拉西扯。

