
潜流暗涌:如果你还爱我 Graham Coxon

crime_mind 2009-08-15 13:54
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Artist:Graham Coxon
Song:If You want me

If you want me, come and get me

If you want me, you'll be there

In the daytime, in the night time

Over here and, over there


It's oh so serious

It's oh so lame

I'm half delirious, when you call my name

If you want me, come and get me
If you want me, you'll be there
In the daytime, in the night time
Over here and, over there

It's oh so serious
It's oh so lame
I'm half delirious, when you call my name
If you want me, come and get me
If you want me, you'll be there
It's oh so serious
It's oh so lame

    Graham Coxon,原Blur乐队吉他手,离开乐队之后,也从未终止过自己对音乐的热爱,继续进行着自己的演艺事业。今年初,他举办了离开乐队以后的第一个个人演唱会,取得了不同凡响的效果。虽然离开了Blur乐队,但是他在乐队的位置是无人能够替代的。无论是乐队成员、所有艺人、还是乐迷,都不能否认Graham Coxon是一个天才吉他手,他对音乐的理解、对吉他的喜爱,无人能及。他不是在控制手中的吉他,也不是在玩吉他,演奏好像也不足以形容他那种如鱼得水的感觉。只能用他自己的话说:"一个好的吉他手要了解自己手中的那把吉他,要根据对它的了解结合对音乐的理解,这样才能发出最美妙的声音"。他正是用自己对音乐、对吉他的这种感情,让人们享受着来自吉他的美妙乐声。

    Graham Coxon,这个男人正值40不惑之年,岁月带不走的深邃双眸,气腼腆的艺术家在伟大的Blur重组之际推出了自己第七张solo专辑,专辑的名字叫做"The Spinning Top",十五轨的概念专辑,讲述我们从生到死的故事。Coxon喜欢作画,是早些时候研习艺术设计的结果,虽然看不出那些人体或景物想要表达什么,但粗犷的线条和浓重的色彩倒是会让人心里亮堂。If You Want Me第四轨很喜欢,吉他声颤颤微微颇有几分Blur的影子,关键还是小C的声音,"...if you want me, come on get me. if you want me, you be there..." 吟唱得真是叫人揪心。
