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沪江英乐讯 听歌思念人,如今重听阿桑的这首《寂寞在唱歌》,依稀还能触碰到过往的痛。《寂寞在唱歌》是翻唱自Enigma乐队幕后制作人Michael Cretu的《Moonlight Flower》,英文版原本就带有十足的沧桑感,Michael Cretu的悲怆演绎把听着带到了往事的记忆中,而阿桑的翻唱也属上乘之作,开头的一段女子用法文默念的絮语将歌曲提升到了一个意境,编曲也更为现代,阿桑的嗓音把歌曲的氛围烘托得很伤感。人已离去,突然间你会感觉世事无常,这样的声音放在属于我们的那段年代,追忆似水年华。stanley/文
Michael Cretu - Moonlight Flower ★★★★
阿桑——寂寞在唱歌 ★★★★☆ (WIN)
【悼】天堂原来应该不是妄想 阿桑 - Angel
阿桑经典歌曲《疯了》原唱>>Alex Parks - Mad World
Artist:Michael Cretu
Song:Moonlight Flower
Come with me in the silence of darkness
I want to show you secrets of life
I will guide you where dreams could't take you
She seldom flew away in the night
You're the moonlight flower
You're the voice of the night.
When you call I'll follow.
We'll leave on the trip of delight.
I have been to the heights of my senses.
Feeling the touch of your cures,
I have seen the magic things under night skies.
Until the sunrise ended the spell.
You're the moonlight flower
You're the voice of the night.
When you call I'll follow.
We'll leave on the trip of delight