筒子们~ 接手本节目已有二月之长,为了大家能有质的提高,从现在开始小编找的材料语速较前相对快一些。想提醒大家的是,真题的语速不似现在的文章这么快,所以不要感到慌张噢~正常语速亲们可以参考这之前的文章(“观察行为”开始)。大家如果试着练习语速快而适中的文章,就会发现在正式考试场合便会更加得心应手。 另外,为了帮助诸位亲们在应试时能达到事倍功半,我总结了文中部分单词的缩写形式供参考,亲们在这方面也可自己多加训练哦~如出现雷同,此乃英雄所见略同~~哈哈哈~Anyway, my friends, come on!
American education system= Ame. edu. sys.
in addition= add. overview=OVw. no not= x
curriculum=curik. guidelines=gu-lines receive=rec.
country-level (连字符) Department of Education=Dep. of Edu.
Good morning, everyone. Today our topic will be focused on the American educational system. International students who come to the United States may wonder about their American classmates' prior education. Due to its local variations, the American education system appears confusing. In addition, the structure and procedures at American universities differ somewhat from other systems, such as the British model. This is a brief overview of the American school and university systems. To begin with, because the country has a federal system of government that has historically valued local governance, no country-level education system or curriculum exists in the United States. The federal government does not operate public schools. Each of the fifty states has its own Department of Education that sets guidelines for the schools of that state. Public schools also receive some funding from the state, although much of the funding comes from local property taxes. Public colleges and universities receive funding from the state in which they are located.
大家早上好。今天我们的话题主要是美国的教育体制。到美国的留学生可能会好奇他们的美国同学之前的教育。美国的教育体制看起来令人费解是由于局部的变化差异。此外, 美国大学的结构和程序和其他体制有所不同,如英国模式。今天我将简单介绍下美国的学校和大学体制。
翻译by sugarle