
黑夜流光:Current 93 - Sleep Has His House

2011-04-09 14:30
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沪江英乐讯   David Tibet生于马来西亚,从小就流连于各种寺院,随后跟父母移居英国,他的乐队Current 93 有着浓浓的死亡民谣风,沉重诡秘,氛围阴暗,却给人一种暗夜里的流光之感。

:Current 93
Song:Sleep Has His House

Have pity for the dead
Sleep has his house

And so all of your suffering
And all of your pain
All of your pleasures
And all of your gain
All of your losses
All of your pastures
All of your plains
All of your fields
All of your bodies
All of your joys
All of your countries
All of your flags
And all of your waters
All of your tunnels
All of your worlds
All of your seahorses
All of your breasts
All of your beasts
All of your dustmotes
All of your colours
All of your troubles
All of your rains
All of your comets
All of your moons
All of your birds
All of your rents
All of your marvels
All of your winds
And all of your nothings
All of your everythings
All of your gods
All of your angels
All of your masters
All of your slaves
All of your islands
All of your waves
All of your machines
All of your dreams
All of your laws
All of your loves
And all of the dead
Have pity for the dead
And sleep has his house
Sleep has his house
Overwhelm me
Overwhelm me
Sleep has his house
