沪江英乐讯 这个圆周率歌不是葱娘那首经典版本哦,而是实实在在将3.14159……这些数字对应成音符谱写的曲子~还蛮好听的哎!苦恼于数学的孩子可以在学习之余听听这首优美的钢琴曲~
WHAT does Pi sound like? Pretty good, actually.
To celebrate Pi Day — the 14th day of the third month — Canadian musician Michael Blake has set the mathematical constant to a tune.
为庆祝3月14日圆周率日,作曲家Michael Blake将圆周率铺成了曲子。
Blake's music video on YouTube explains how each of the eight notes in any major scale can be assigned a numerical value — C being one, D two and so on. The same thing goes for chords.
And as if that wasn't impressive enough on its own, Blake set the piece to a tempo of 157 beats per minutes, or 314 divided by two.
Since the success of his Pi video, Blake says he has been inundated with requests to create more music based on maths.