
纪念 我们的冬季:Tori Amos - Winter

2010-10-28 14:00
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沪江英乐讯   Tori Amos,永远带着一层淡漠色彩和压抑感觉的声音,好像那下面隐藏着无法言说的痛苦。天气转凉的时候,耳边回味起这种声音,只觉得一丝丝寂寞的寒冷,在空气中蔓延开来……

:Tori Amos

snow can wait
i forgot my mittens
wipe my nose
get my new boots on
i get a little warm in my heart when i think of winter
i put my hands in my father's cloth
i run off where the drifts get deeper
sleeping beauty trips me with a frown
i hear a voice you must learn to stand up
for yourself cause i can't always be around
he says when you gonna make up your mind
he says when you gonna love you as much as i do
when you gonna make up your mind
cause things has changed
so fast
all the white horsed are still in bed
i tell you that i'll always
want you near you say that things change
my dear
boys has discovered winter as melts
flowers competing for the sun
years go by and i'm still here waiting
withering where some snowman was
miror miror when is the christ still proud of us
but i only can see my son
skatting around the tree
but i know dad
let's skatting
when you gonna make up your mind
when you gonna love as much as i do
when you gonna make up your mind
cause things has changed so fast
all the white horses are still in bed
i tell you that i'm always
want you near
cause things has changed
my dear
hair is grey and the fires are burning
so many dreams
on the shelf
i say i wanted you to be proud of me
i always wanted that myself
when you gonna make up your mind
when you gonna love as much as i do
when you gonna make up your mind
things has gonna changed so fast
