"The Flash," a spinoff series of "Arrow" Season 2, has started production on its pilot. And now the show has released the first image of Barry Allen (Grant Gustin) as the Flash.
《绿箭侠》第二季衍生剧《闪电侠》的制作已经提上日程。该剧已经发布首张Barry Allen的闪电侠造型照。
The photo shows only the head, the "flash" symbol in yellow and what may be a chin-guard are all visible. Underneath it all, Barry looks rather pleased with himself.
This version of Barry Allen first appeared in the "Arrow" episode, "The Scientist," in December. Barry returned home to Central City after two episodes, only to get caught up in a plasma explosion mixed with some odd chemistry and lightning.
Barry Allen已经《绿箭侠》12月播出的《The Scientist》那一集出现过。2集之后,Barry回到了中心城,并陷入了一场混有奇怪化学物质和闪电的等离子爆炸中。
As of now, "Arrow" has mentioned that Barry remains in a coma after the incident. He may not wake up until the "Flash" pilot. If picked up by The CW, that episode of television should air in Fall 2014.