

2008-09-21 10:06
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Robert Knepper told All Access that little by little we’ll start to see more from the book. “In each episode, certain words pop out - certain diagrams, certain colours. Suddenly T-Bag spills some tea on the leaf of a page and boom - a clue comes out.” The book is comparable to Michael’s tattoo in Season 1. “It is like Went’s character in the first season,” Robert says. “You see a little bit of a tattoo and then you see a bit more.” Robert says that we see a metaphor here, a simile there. “What we hope to find out in the book is … Where is the main bad guy? Where is The Company? I don’t know for sure because I don’t look ahead in the scripts.”


罗伯特·克耐普(T-Bag的扮演者)在接受CNN电视台All Access节目采访时表示,我们会从威斯勒留下的那本关于鸟的小书里一点点揭开谜底。“每一集都有一些关键词跳出来——某些图表,某种颜色之类。T-Bag一不小心洒了茶水在一页纸上,然后——新的线索就出现了。”这本书的价值好比第一季里迈克身上的纹身。罗伯特说:“就像第一季时的迈克一样,逐渐逐渐地看到纹身中隐藏的秘密。”我们会不时从中发现一些明示、一些暗示。“希望从这本书中能够找到的东西是……幕后黑手究竟在哪里?‘公司’究竟在哪里?没提前看剧本所以我也不是很清楚。”


metaphor n. 隐喻,暗喻
simile n. 直喻,明喻

