Scene: Inside Penny’s apartment. They are laying the package down on the floor.
Sheldon: Watch your fingers. Watch your fingers. Oh God, my fingers!
Leonard: You okay?
Sheldon: No, it hurt… (looking around) Great Caesar’s Ghost, look at this place?
Leonard: So Penny’s a little messy.
Sheldon: A little messy? The Mandelbrot set of complex numbers is a little messy, this is chaos. Excuse me, explain to me an organisational system where a tray of flatware on a couch is valid. I’m just inferring that this is a couch, because the evidence suggests the coffee table’s having a tiny garage sale.
Great Caesar's ghost
【释】"Caesar" refers to Julius Caesar, the famous Roman politician assassinated after he took complete power in the Roman republic. As for the expression "Great Caesar's Ghost", it is a rather old expression that is a euphemism for "good God", in the days when saying "God" as an oath was considered very rude. 这里表示惊讶,“我的天哪!“ (Google,)
【例】A: Good Mornin' Chief!
B: Great Caesar's Ghost! How many time must I tell you...Don't call me "Chief"
set of
【例】A unique set of characters that specifies computer operation .
【释】well grounded in logic ,合理的(有道,下同)
【例】a valid objection.
garage sale
【例】They decided to have a garage sale to get rid of some unwanted stuff.(句酷)