

2006-10-20 10:00
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参与方式:看Prison Break片段,将下面的空格部分补充完整。

Veronica: What if they sent you to Taylorville, Marion and not here?
Michael: I think I could be doing the same thing I’m doing here. Eating jell-o, drinking Kool-Aid...
Veronica: I know what you’re doing!           1          . You forget, I know you. Both of you. You two have the most dysfunctional idea of love I’ve ever seen. What, he beats you up to keep you off the streets, so you get yourself tossed into Fox River with him. To what? Save him? I deserve to know. I loved him as much as you did.
Michael: Past tense for you maybe, not me.
Veronica:           2           , I did. Even with all the stuff that was going on with him, I did everything I could to make it work. And he threw it away.
Michael: You ever think maybe he was hurt that you left in the first place?
Veronica: Don’t do this. Whatever it is you're doing, don’t do it. There’s a better way. I’m already appealing your case...
Michael: I told you to leave that alone...
Veronica: I’ve gotten in touch with the diocese about Lincoln. The bishop….
Michael: That won’t stop it, it’ll only delay it. You wanna do something? You find out who’s trying to bury him.
Veronica: Nobody’s trying to bury him. The evidence was there.
Michael:           3          .
C.O.: Visiting hours are now over.
Veronica: Take care of yourself.
Michael: Someone wants him dead, Veronica. Something more is going on here.
Veronica: This is desperation Michael. You're grabbing at straws. You're in denial.
Michael: Maybe. But I can’t watch him die. I won’t do that.


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