Sheldon的谎言越说越当真了,还真请了个业余演员, Leonard对此很是无语啊. 这个临时演员让我想起<
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SHELDON: I've hesitated to point this out but I must remind you we are in our predicament because of your initial and inadequate deceit. I'm just trying to clean up after your mess. We'll talk in the morning.
TOBY: Morning.
LEONARD:Who are you?
TOBY: I am Sheldon's cousin Leo.
LEONARD:Oh, God. Sheldon does not have a cousin Leo.
TOBY: Au contraire, I'm 26 years old. I'm originally from "Denton, Texas," but I was a Navy brat. I was brought up on a variety of military bases around the world. As a result, I've often felt like an outsider, never really fitting in probably the reason for my substance-abuse problem.
SHELDON: Excuse me, we just went over this. As the middle child, your addiction is rooted in your unmet need for attention.
TOBY: Oh, Sheldon, are we really gonna go with pop psychology?
SHELDON: For your information, this is all based on solid research. Just stick with the character profile I wrote for you.
1. clean up after your mess收拾你的烂摊子
Nobody wants to clean up the mess created by Wall Street recklessness. 没人想收拾华尔街投机者留下的烂摊子。
2. Au contraire(法)反之, 发现美国人也喜欢用别国的语言, 像中国人就喜欢时不时飙几句英语.
3. I've often felt like an outsider, never really fitting in我总觉得与社会格格不入, 没有真正融入进来.
4. substance-abuse药物滥用
The stresses and strains of today's fast-paced business world can often lead to substance abuse. 现今商业社会压力大、节奏快,往往会导致药物滥用,这个问题现在很普遍。
5. For your information供您参考
6. stick with坚持某事
Be the man! Have a plan and stick with it. 像一个男人,确定计划并坚持做下去。
7. in predicament陷入困境