其中最出名的甜点就包括“匈牙利人的最爱”休姆罗绵绵糕 Somloi Galuska
The prestigious title of ‘Hungary’s favorite cake’ is unanimously given to somlói galuska, a delicious, unmissable dessert made from sponge cake, layered with chocolate cream, walnut kernel, rum and whipped cream on the top. Its history goes back to 1950, when the legendary Gundel Restaurant’s headwaiter (Károly Gollerits) envisioned this novel dessert. However, the first publicly tasted cake was made only in 1958 by Béla Szőcs, master confectioner, whose cake became an award-winner at the Brussels World’s Fair. Since the creator’s family keeps the original recipe secret, somlói galuska made elsewhere varies in form and preparation but always maintains the same fundamental ingredients.
“匈牙利最受欢迎的蛋糕”这一享有盛誉的称号被一致授予给somloi galuska,这是一种不容错过的美味甜点,用海绵蛋糕制成,蛋糕上还分层撒上了巧克力奶油、核桃仁、朗姆酒和打发的奶油。这种蛋糕可追溯至1950年,当时颇具传奇色彩的冈德尔餐厅的领班(卡乐里·格勒瑞斯)想出了这种新奇的甜点。然而,贝拉·索佐克斯于1958年才制作了第一个被公开品尝的这种蛋糕。贝拉擅长制作甜点,他制作的蛋糕曾获得过布鲁塞尔世界博览会大奖。由于somloi galuska创造者的家族并未透露原始配方,所以别处制作的somloi galuska在形式和配料上各不相同,但始终保持着相同的基本原料。
其他知名甜点还有核桃千层糕 Eszterházy torta、巧克力千层糕 Dobos torta、拉科奇奶酪糕 Rákóczi túrós、福罗德尼蛋糕 Flódni 等等等等。
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