",sans-serif"="">Our friends in ",sans-serif"="">Canada",sans-serif"=""> have many ",sans-serif"="">regional words and phrases",sans-serif"=""> that may amuse Americans: For example, a knit hat is known as a ",sans-serif"="">toque",sans-serif"=""> in most areas, and flip flops often go by the name "="">",sans-serif"="">thongs" class="hjdict" word="",sans-serif"="">thongs" target=_blank>",sans-serif"="">thongs ",sans-serif"="">.
美国的小伙伴加拿大有许多地方词汇和习语,常常让人忍俊不禁。比如,在加拿大大多数地区,编织帽(",sans-serif"="">knit hat)被称作无边女帽(",sans-serif"="">toque),人字拖(",sans-serif"="">flip flops)叫做丁字鞋(",sans-serif"="">thongs)。
",sans-serif"="">But one province has a word for ",sans-serif"="">sweatshirts",sans-serif"=""> that could cause a ",sans-serif"="">kerfuffle",sans-serif"="">, in the best way.
",sans-serif"="">Data journalists recently surveyed more than 9,500 people across Canada about regional words and phrases, then ",sans-serif"="">organized those words into maps",sans-serif"=""> that show how popular certain terms are in a given place. This particular map has us itching to visit ",sans-serif"="">Saskatchewan",sans-serif"="">, if only to hear them say “bunnyhug” instead of “sweatshirt.”
",sans-serif"="">Yup, that snuggly garment is ",sans-serif"="">commonly called a bunnyhug",sans-serif"=""> in Canada’s ",sans-serif"="">rugged, beautiful Saskatchewan province",sans-serif"="">, CBC News has also reported. Information about the term’s origin is slim, though a 2007 article says ",sans-serif"="">it may have come from a 1950s dance",sans-serif"=""> called the ",sans-serif"="">bunny hop",sans-serif"="">, in which participants wrapped their arms around the waist of the person in front of them.