
绯闻女孩:S02E14-1 Chuck终于回来了 却因为Bart的死一直低迷

2011-10-23 11:00
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Chuck好不容易被找回来了 却因为Bart的死而一直低迷 吸毒、沉迷于酒吧和美色 这样的他让Blair既心疼又伤心 而Chuck的话更是让Blair心凉透了

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B:I thought you sold this place.
C:__1__ Owner took me to the cleaners, but __2__.
B:You should go home. Lily, Serena, Eric --
C:That is not my home or my family.
B:Fine. Go to the Palace. __3__
C:Well, that would be rude since I'm throwing a party here tonight. I just posted it on "Gossip Girl". Maybe you'll grace us with a dance.
B:Chuck, stop. All this doesn't help. It isn't you.
B:Wrong. Bart may have been a bastard, __4__. I'm simply living up to my potential. It's time to let go of your fantasies.
B:I don't believe you.
C:That's your business. Now is that it, or were you going to tell me you love me again?

ps:【绯闻女孩】出节目单啦~\(≧▽≦)/~ 欢迎大家订阅~
I bought it back last night. some things are worth the price Just get out of here. but he saw me better than anyone Why did you even come back?
B:你不是把这儿卖了吗 C:昨晚我又买回来了 卖家狠狠地敲了我一笔 不过有些东西就是值 B:你该回家 莉莉 瑟琳娜 艾瑞克... C:那不是我家和家人 B:那好啊 去旋宫饭店住啊 就是别呆在这儿 C:你真没礼貌 我今晚要在这里举办一场派对 我已经在八卦天后上登了 你也可以来加入我们 B:恰克 闭嘴 这些都无济于事 一点都不像你 C:你错了 巴特可能是个杂种 但是他把我看得比谁都重 我的本能叫我这么做 不要做白日梦了 B:我才不相信你 C:你不相信是你的事 我就是这样 你还要和我说你爱我吗 B:你还回来干嘛