

Seventy percent of employers screened job candidates on social media this year, according to the latest Career Builder study. And more than half of those companies said they would pass on an otherwise strong candidate if they saw something they didn’t like on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter.

Smart job hunters know this, of course. And they would never...

1. Post photos of themselves drinking or using drugs
1. 发布他们喝酒或使用毒品的照片

There’s nothing wrong with enjoying a drink if you’re of legal age, but employers are rejecting candidates who have too much content pertaining to drinking or drug use on their online profiles, said Patrick Ambron, CEO and co-founder of BrandYourself, an online reputation management site.
到了合法年龄,喝一杯小酒没什么大不了。但是雇主们都很反感个人板块里发布了大量的喝酒或服用药物的内容,Patrick Ambron表示。他是在线名誉管理网站BrandYourself公司的行政总裁兼创办人。

“Even if the substances being showcased are legal, employers perceive this kind of content as a red flag, as it speaks to your judgement and your ability to take on responsibilities ― especially if you are going to be in a client-facing role,” Ambron told HuffPost.

2. Post inappropriate content ― or post nothing at all
2. 发布不得体的内容——或不发布任何内容

Keep those middle fingers to yourself. The general rule of thumb is: Don’t post anything you wouldn’t want your grandma or children to see. Err on the side of caution. But here’s the catch: You should post something. The same Career Builder study found that 60 percent of recruiters would not invite an applicant to an interview if that applicant had no social media presence.

In other words, the absence of any digital profile is now officially a red flag.

And just to confuse you further, employers don’t really want someone who posts all of their thoughts on social media. Part of being a professional is learning to fine-tune your communication and knowing what shouldn’t be publicized. Sharing too much information may cause prospective employers to worry that you will share confidential information or speak inappropriately to clients.

3. Make discriminatory comments related to race, gender or religion
3. 在种族,性别或宗教方面作出歧视性评论

Some people view social media the same way they view a private conversation with friends, where everyone involved knows them and understands their views, verbiage and sense of humor. That’s a bad idea.

Today’s volatile ― and viral ― world proves that your mother was right when she said to keep your mouth shut if you have nothing nice to say. One-third of employers have turned away candidates who have posted something online that appears sexist, bigoted or homophobic.

4. Disparage their previous company
4. 毁谤前公司

Nobody likes to be gossiped about. Not in high school or college, and certainly not in the professional world, Ambron said. Almost one-third of employers say they have rejected candidates for openly bad-mouthing their past employers. Talking behind anyone’s back is seen as a serious lack of good character, Ambron said, so think twice about putting down your old boss, even if your comments are made with the intention of being funny.

5. Lie about their qualifications
5. 在任职资格上撒谎

When the University of Notre Dame hired George O’Leary as its head football coach in 2001, the university community celebrated. But that joy quickly faded, as the school learned 24 hours later that O’Leary had lied about lettering in football at New Hampshire and didn’t actually have a master’s degree from New York University. He had been lying for 20 years, undetected. “No one checks backgrounds,” said a Division I-A athletic director at the time, according to the Chicago Tribune. “You take people at their word.”
美国圣母大学在2001年聘任George O’Leary为首席橄榄球教练的时候,整个校园社区都为其欢呼庆贺。但是喜悦之感很快就褪去,随着学校在24个小时之后发现,O’Leary在新罕布什尔州的足球刻字事件上撒谎,并且他实际上并不具有纽约大学的硕士学位。他的谎言持续了20年之久都一直没有被发现。“因为没有人去调查背景,”当时的区域体育指导员说道,根据《芝加哥论坛报》的报道。“你听他们嘴上随便说说而已。”

Taking people at their word really doesn’t happen anymore. In 2017, with the internet at our fingertips, it’s doubtful someone will get away with lying for as long as O’Leary did. “All the more reason to remember,” Ambron said, “do not provide false information online about your experience.”

“Besides,” he added, “you won’t make it far after your employer realizes you can’t deliver what you’ve promised.”

6. Use unprofessional screen names, usernames or email handles
6. 使用不专业的账户名,用户名或电子邮件控制器

Almost everyone used a juvenile (or maybe even inappropriate) screen name in the past, maybe in the earliest days of AOL Instant Messenger. As you enter the workforce, make sure you claim a professional handle across all of your social platforms and email addresses, especially for business communication. Keeping your middle school screen name implies immaturity and lack of judgement, Ambron said.









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