

沪江英语编辑:糖果姐 2017-04-11 18:36
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点击>>实习生宝典:如何适应职场生活?(上) 查看上篇。

6. Stay informed.
6. 保持消息灵通。

Be prepared to read professional literature, websites, and correspondence that circulates the office or on the web. Don’t be afraid to ask your supervisor for information or literature or anything that could help you understand the organization and the job better. When the time feels right you may want to make some recommendations based on what you’ve learned and how you think things could be improved.

7. Ask lots of questions.
7. 多提问题。

It’s much better to ask questions than to make a bunch of unnecessary mistakes.

Supervisors usually welcome questions unless it appears that you are not learning and keep asking the same questions over and over.

8. Request performance reviews.
8. 请求绩效评估。

In order to do a good job it’s important to get feedback from your employers so that you can find ways that you can improve. Lack of feedback on the job leaves employees unsure of their value and a lack of knowledge on how they can improve their performance.

9. Show respect for everyone.
9. 尊重所有人。

From the CEO to the janitor, be sure that you treat everyone with respect. This one trait goes a long way towards being considered for full-time employment should a job open up. Even if you are a good worker, being arrogant or unfriendly to people within the organization, could cost you a job or a good recommendation. Employers usually hire people that they feel will fit in well with the other people in the organization; so as an intern, it's your job to get along with everyone. Also, be sure to avoid office gossip since that can get you into a lot of hot water.

10. Stay focused on the job.
10. 专注于工作。

It may seem ok to surf the internet or to make personal calls or text at times when you are not busy on the job, but you can be sure that this is not ok when your supervisor needs your help. In addition to being distracting, it will take you away from other learning activities or chances to communicate with supervisors, co-workers, or even other interns.

