

Be Prepared to Ask. Your employer may recognize your star qualities and offer you a promotion. Of course, it's much easier when it happens that way. However, for some jobs and at some organizations you may need to apply for a promotion. Expect that you may have to ask or apply for the promotion you want.
Discuss With Your Boss. Be sure to let your boss know that you are interviewing for a new position. You'll want him or her on your team because your references will be checked. It's not a good idea to keep it a secret because your boss is going to find out. It's better that he or she hears it from you than from human resources. Do offer to help with the transition if you're selected for promotion.
Check Open Job Listings. Most large companies and many smaller companies list job openings on the company website. Some positions may be open to internal candidates prior to being available for external applicants, so you'll have a jump on the competition. Check regularly for new listings and apply for jobs that are a good fit for your background and experience.
Follow the Application Process. Don't presume you're going to get the job. The company may be considering external candidates as well as other employees for the job. Also, don't presume that the hiring manager or department manager reviewing your qualifications will know your background. Take the time to update your resume and to write a targeted cover letter for the job you are interested in. Follow the application process, if there is a formal procedure for applying for internal job postings.
Get References. Ask your supervisor and other managers you've worked with for a letter of recommendation. References, especially from high-level staff, carry a lot of weight.
Ace the Promotion Interview. When you are being considered for a promotion or applying for a new job within the company, you may be required to interview for the position. Here are tips for acing a job promotion interview, so you can be prepared for an opportunity to move up the career ladder.
Send a Thank You Note. Send a thank you note or thank you email message to everyone you interviewed with reiterating your interest in the position.
Take the Time to Say Goodbye. If all goes well and you're offered the promotion, take the time to say goodbye to your current co-workers and to let them know you'll stay in touch. Do wait until after the company formally announces your promotion to tell them. It's important that the company makes the announcement first before you tell your colleagues.
花点时间和旧同事道别。 如果一切顺利,您得到晋升,那么慢慢和旧同事道别吧,并让他们知道你们将继续保持联系。但切记要在公司正式宣布您的晋升消息之后再告诉他们。一定要记住,公司先宣布晋升,然后您再告诉周围同事!







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