

1小姐 2023-06-07 18:11
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1. Choose Appropriate Paper选择合适的纸张

The right paper can mean the difference between complete frustration in class and organized notes. To take notes effectively, choose a sheet of loose, clean, lined paper, preferably college-ruled. There are a couple reasons for this choice:合适的纸张意味着使你避免窘境,从而有条不紊地做笔记。为了做出来的笔记有效果,你要选择活页、干净的横格纸,最好是学校用的横格纸。关于这个选择,有几个理由:

•Choosing loose paper to take notes allows you to rearrange your notes in a binder if necessary, lend them easily to a friend, and remove and replace a page if it gets damaged.选择活页做笔记,可以使你在必要的时候,将笔记重新整理装订,也便于借给朋友,或者损坏了便于拆卸与替换。

•Using college-ruled paper means that the spaces between the lines are smaller, allowing you to write more per page, which is advantageous when you’re studying a lot of material. It won’t seem as much, and thus, as overwhelming.使用学校用的横格纸意味着行与行之间的空白更多,每页纸你就可以写更多内容,当你要学习大量的材料时,就会非常方便。虽然看起来不多,但内容绝对多。

2. Use Pencil and Skip Lines使用铅笔,跳行写

Nothing will make you more frustrated than taking notes and having to draw arrows from new content to a related idea your teacher was talking about 20 minutes ago. That’s why it’s important to skip lines. If your teacher brings up something new, you’ll have a place to squeeze it in. And, if you take your notes in pencil, your notes will stay neat if you make a mistake and you won’t have to rewrite everything just to make sense of the lecture.做笔记的时候,没有什么比将新的内容和老师二十分钟前讲的内容用箭头连起来更让人窘迫的了。这就是为什么跳行写那么重要了。如果你的老师讲了新的内容,你就可以把它写入空白的地方。而且,如果你用铅笔做笔记,出错了也可以保持卷面干净,就不必为了使内容更直观而重写了。

3. Label Your Page给每一页编号

You don’t have to use a clean sheet of paper for every new note-taking session if you use appropriate labels. Start with the topic of the discussion (for study purposes later), fill in the date, class, chapters associated with the notes and teacher’s name. At the end of your notes for the day, draw a line crossing the page so you’ll have a very clear demarcation of each day’s notes. During the next lecture, use same format so your binder is consistent.如果你使用合适的标签,就不需要在每次做笔记的时候都用上新的纸张。以讨论的主题(后面则以学习的目的)开头,写上日期、班级、笔记相关的章节以及老师的名字。左后,在纸上画上一条横线,你就可以清楚地区分每一天的笔记了。在下一次上课时,使用相同的格式,就可以连贯地将它们装订起来了。

4. Use an Organizational System使用组织体系

Speaking of organization, use one in your notes. Many people use an outline (I.II.III. A.B.C. 1.2.3.) but you can use circles or stars or whatever symbols you'd like, as long as you stay consistent. If your teacher is scattered and doesn’t really lecture in that format, then just organize new ideas with numbers, so you don’t get one long paragraph of loosely-related content.说到组织,你可以将其运用到笔记里。很多人会列一个大纲(I.II.III. A.B.C. 1.2.3.),但你可以使用圆圈、星号或者你喜欢的任意标志,只要能够保持连贯。如果你的老师讲课内容比较散乱,不注重格式,你可以用数字将老师新疆的内容组织起来,你的笔记就不会篇幅冗长内容又松散了。

5. Listen for Importance注意重要性

Some of the stuff your teacher says is irrelevant, but much of it needs remembering. So how do you decipher what to put down in your notes and what to disregard? Listen for importance by picking up dates, new terms or vocabulary, concepts, names, and explanations of ideas. If your teacher writes it down anywhere, he or she wants you to know it. If she talks about it for 15 minutes, she’s gonna quiz you on it. If he repeats it several times in the lecture, you’re responsible.你的老师所讲的内容有一部分是不相关的,但大多数都是需要记忆的。那么应该怎样识别,笔记应该记什么,以及哪些内容可以忽略呢?你可以通过记录日期、新的术语或词汇、概念、姓名和观点解释来留心重要性。如果你的老师将它写下来,他是想让你记住。如果他把一个内容讲了十五分钟,就可能会考到它。如果他讲课时多次重复,你就要把它当做一种责任了。

6. Put Content Into Your Own Words用自己的话表述内容

Learning how to take notes begins with learning how to paraphrase and summarize. You will learn new material better if you put it into your own words. When your teacher waxes wordy about Leningrad for 25 minutes, summarize the main idea into a few sentences you’ll be able to remember. If you try to write everything down word for word, you’ll miss stuff, and confuse yourself. Listen attentively, then write.要想学习做笔记,就得从学习复述和总结开始。如果你能够将新学的内容用自己的话表述出来,就可以学得更好。如果你的老师将列林格勒讲了足足有25分钟,你就可以将其主要内容总结成几句话,就可以记下来了。如果你试图将所有内容的逐字逐句地记下来,那么你会遗漏一些内容,自己也弄得晕头转向。专注地听课,然后再记下来

7.Write Legibly清楚明了地记录

It kind of goes without saying, but I’m gonna say it anyway. If your penmanship has ever been compared to chicken scratch, you better work on it. You’ll thwart your taking notes efforts if you can’t read what you’ve written! Force yourself to write clearly. I guarantee that you will not remember the exact lecture when it comes to exam time, so your notes are often going to be your only lifeline.这是不言而喻的,但我还是要把它拿出来说一下。如果你的字迹太过潦草,就得好好改进了。如果你连自己写的内容都看不清,就白白为做笔记付出努力了!你要促使自己把笔记写得清楚些。我敢保证,考试的时候你肯定不会记得一清二楚,所以你的笔记就显得尤为重要了。


1. Sit near the front of the class坐在前排

2. Use a good pen like the Pilot Dr. Grip if writing in pencil will bother you如果你觉得铅笔不好写,可以用一支好的钢笔,例如百乐笔。

3. Keep a folder or binder for every class, so you're more likely to keep your notes organized.每节课都带上文件夹或订书机,你就可以更好地整理你的笔记了。

What You Need:你需要的:

•A writing instrument, preferably a pencil书写工具,最好是铅笔

•College-ruled lined paper学校用的横格纸

•A binder or folder to store your notes文件夹或订书机,以便保存你的笔记。