
第82届奥斯卡最佳女主角提名 新人老将对开

2010-03-04 15:43
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1.《弱点》女主角Sandra Bullock

《弱点》女主角Sandra Bullock 桑德拉·布洛克阿姨扮演一位善良坚强的母亲,给了黑人孩子一个温暖的家,并激发了他的运动潜质;这是她个人第一次获得奥斯卡提名。
Sandra Bullock plays Leigh Anne Tuohy, a suburban mom who takes in a homeless African-American teenager and encourages his talents as a football player.
This is the first Academy Award nomination for Sandra Bullock.


2.《最后一站》女主角Helen Mirren

《最后一站》女主角Helen Mirren

As Sofya, Helen Mirren portrays the wife of author Leo Tolstoy, a woman locked in a battle with her husband's admirers over the disposition of his royalties.
This is the fourth Academy Award nomination for Helen Mirren. She was previously nominated for:
THE QUEEN (2006) -- Winner, Actress in a Leading Role
GOSFORD PARK (2001) -- Nominee, Actress in a Supporting Role
THE MADNESS OF KING GEORGE (1994) -- Nominee, Actress in a Supporting Role


3.《成长教育》女主角Carey Mulligan

《成长教育》女主角Carey Mulligan 凯芮·穆里根扮演的一位被大叔级男子迷惑的英国高中女生。这是她第一次获得奥斯卡提名
Carey Mulligan plays Jenny, an English schoolgirl who is seduced by the charms of an older man.
This is the first Academy Award nomination for Carey Mulligan.


4.《珍爱人生》女主角Gabourey Sidibe

《珍爱人生》女主角Gabourey Sidibe 加布蕾·丝迪贝演的是一位饱受父母虐待的未婚先孕少女。这是她第一次获得奥斯卡提名。
As Precious, Gabourey Sidibe plays a pregnant teenager who struggles to overcome years of abuse at the hands of her parents.
This is the first Academy Award nomination for Gabourey Sidibe.


5.《茱莉与茱莉亚》女主角Meryl Streep

《茱莉与茱莉亚》女主角Meryl Streep “梅姨”梅丽尔·斯特里普扮演的是可爱法式烹饪书作者;这是她第16次获得奥斯卡提名(牛啊!)。
Meryl Streep portrays cookbook author Julia Child, whose years in France with her husband inspire her to study the art of French cooking.
This is the sixteenth Academy Award nomination for Meryl Streep. She was previously nominated for:
DOUBT (2008) -- Nominee, Actress in a Leading Role
THE DEVIL WEARS PRADA (2006) -- Nominee, Actress in a Leading Role
ADAPTATION (2002) -- Nominee, Actress in a Supporting Role
MUSIC OF THE HEART (1999) -- Nominee, Actress in a Leading Role
ONE TRUE THING (1998) -- Nominee, Actress in a Leading Role
THE BRIDGES OF MADISON COUNTY (1995) -- Nominee, Actress in a Leading Role
POSTCARDS FROM THE EDGE (1990) -- Nominee, Actress in a Leading Role
A CRY IN THE DARK (1988) -- Nominee, Actress in a Leading Role
IRONWEED (1987) -- Nominee, Actress in a Leading Role
OUT OF AFRICA (1985) -- Nominee, Actress in a Leading Role
SILKWOOD (1983) -- Nominee, Actress in a Leading Role
SOPHIE'S CHOICE (1982) -- Winner, Actress in a Leading Role
THE FRENCH LIEUTENANT'S WOMAN (1981) -- Nominee, Actress in a Leading Role
KRAMER VS. KRAMER (1979) -- Winner, Actress in a Supporting Role
THE DEER HUNTER (1978) -- Nominee, Actress in a Supporting Role

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